Piano Accompanying Graduates
Maggie Hinchliffe
Piano Accompanying Graduate
Maggie Hinchliffe is a pianist from Glen Ridge, New Jersey with a focus in the collaborative arts. She has performed in venues ranging from New York’s Carnegie Hall to Nashville’s live public radio. Maggie has appeared in premiere festivals such as Songfest, AIMS in Graz, and Source Song Festival and performed in master classes for renowned artists such as Julius Drake, Martin Katz, Graham Johnson and Alan Smith in addition to living composers such as Libby Larsen, Edie Hill, and John Musto.
Maggie graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University, receiving her B.M. in piano performance and pedagogy. She was inducted into the national music honor society, Pi Kappa Lambda, received the Michelson Collaborative Arts Award for exceptional performance in vocal collaboration, and received the Achievement in Teaching Award for piano pedagogy. While at Vanderbilt, Maggie also played for the Nashville Ballet and maintained a private studio.
Now in her first year as a master’s student at the Eastman School of Music, Maggie studies piano accompaniment and chamber music with Jean Barr. She holds two Graduate Assistantships as Opera Pianist and Studio Accompanist in addition to the Ruth & Arno Drucker Scholarship.