Eastman Wind Orchestra
DIRECTOR | Mark Davis Scatterday

Eastman Wind Orchestra is the school’s freshman/sophomore wind ensemble and is the first component of the Conducting and Ensembles rotation system. The curriculum for EWO is similar to the repertoire for EWE and focuses on standard wind band classics (such as Holst, Vaughan Williams, and Persichetti), music for chamber winds (such as Gabrieli, Mozart, Dvorák, and Stravinsky), new music for wind ensemble (such as Schwantner, Husa, Harbison, and Maslanka) and transcriptions (such as Bach, Shostakovich, and Debussy). Within four years, students playing in both the EWO and EWE will perform well over 100 works. Woodwind, brass and percussion underclassmen rotate in and out of both EWO and ESSO four times per semester, playing two concerts with each ensemble, corresponding to a similar rotation design to the Eastman Wind Ensemble and Philharmonia.