At a Glance

- Harpsichord performance is available as a major on the master’s and doctoral levels.
- A strong program in early music that includes the Collegium Musicum and Baroque Ensembles — as well as support courses such as continuo realization, harpsichord performance and literature, and numerous theory and musicology courses — gives harpsichord performance majors strong preparation for careers in early music performance.
- The study of the harpsichord pays particular attention to the most recent researches on historical keyboards, exploring and practicing the didactics of the Partimenti and the art of improvisation
- Graduates of the program have gone on to fine careers with universities and churches all over the United States, usually combining harpsichord performance with other keyboard instruments.
- In addition to major study, the study of harpsichord may be undertaken as a secondary discipline. This has been the main thrust of the department since its inception in 1983, and organists and pianists have greatly benefited from such secondary study.
- The School’s fine collection of harpsichords of various styles permits an authentic approach to 17th and 18th century keyboard music, and enhances the training of our students.