Ying Quartet Returns to Eastman-Ranlet Series

The internationally renowned, award-winning Ying Quartet is back in its prominent position within the Eastman-Ranlet Series, with its third performance this season on Sunday, March 25, at 3 p.m., at Kilbourn Hall at the Eastman School of Music. Their program this concert includes Mendelssohn’s String Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 12, Berg’s String Quartet, Op.…

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Publick Musick brings Scordatura Violin to the Memorial Art Gallery

This month, the Third Thursday concert series with Eastman’s Italian Baroque Organ presents Publick Musick, a Rochester-based period-instrument ensemble of internationally renowned early music performers. Their upcoming concert, Scordatura Violin, features virtuosic string music from 17th century Europe. The performance happens Thursday, March 15, at 7:30pm in the Memorial Art Gallery Fountain Court. “Scordatura” describes…

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The Faculty Artist Series Presents: Jan Opalach, bass-baritone, Lilac String Quartet, and Edward Rothmel, piano

The Faculty Artist Series presents: bass-baritone Jan Opalach, Associate Professor of Voice together with the Lilac String Quartet, including Haley Schricker and Julia Churchill, violins; Ethan Durrell, viola; Jordan Gunn, Violoncello; and Edward Rothmel, piano at the Eastman School of Music, Sunday, March 4, at 3 p.m. in Kilbourn Hall. The program is set to…

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