Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Alexander Technique 2023

As a former student of Eastman’s Alexander Technique instructor Katie Fittipaldi, Summer@Eastman’s Marketing Assistant and violist Joyce Tseng has had firsthand experience with how Alexander Technique (AT) improves ease and freedom of movement. Katie has guided Joyce to use conscious intention of awareness in her playing and has helped Joyce overcome performance anxiety through the…

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Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Eastman Summer Horn Institute

The Eastman Summer Horn Institute (class of 2022 pictured above) is a great program for participants wanting to dedicate a full week to solidify the craft of horn playing under the instruction of world-class faculty: Peter Kurau, Professor of Horn, Eastman School of Music/Principal Horn, Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra; Nikolette LaBonte, Associate Principal/Assistant Principal/Utility Horn, Rochester…

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Florencia en el Amazonas Designed Image

Eastman Opera Theatre Presents a Spanish-Language Opera Inspired by Márquez’s “Love in the Time of Cholera”

Eastman Opera Theatre (EOT) presents Daniel Catán’s Spanish-language opera Florencia en el Amazonas (1996), inspired by Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez’s novel Love in the Time of Cholera. This opera will conclude the 2022-23 EOT season and takes place in Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre from March 30-April 2. Alongside conductor Wilson Southerland, Octavio…

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The next Wellness at Eastman seminar will be on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 6 p.m.: Evolution and Alarm Bells: Understanding the Roots of Performance Anxiety, presented by Craig Cypher, Psy.D., a clinical and sports psychologist with UR medicine Orthopaedics and Physical Performance.

Evolution and Alarm Bells: Understanding the Roots of Performance Anxiety

Wellness at Eastman is a monthly seminar series from Eastman Performing Arts Medicine (EPAM) featuring artists and clinicians speaking to physical and mental wellness for performing artists, inspired by the Healthy Conservatoires movement in Europe.  The next Wellness at Eastman seminar will be on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 6 p.m.: Evolution and Alarm Bells: Understanding the Roots of Performance…

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