Sparks & wiry cries collaborates with the Eastman School of Music and Associate Professor of Vocal Coaching Alison d’Amato to present our first songSLAM! This is a unique opportunity for up to 15 composer/performer teams to premiere new art songs and compete for cash prizes. Each team presents a new song of five minutes or less, for voice and one other instrument, in any language. The voting audience then, in the poetry slam tradition, votes on their favorites and prizes are awarded to the first, second, and third prize winners.
Saturday, February 1 at 4:00 p.m.
Sproull Atrium at Miller Center
Composers: Niyayesh Bagheri, Talia Berenbaum, Even Cao, Zhouran Chu, Karen Goldfeder, Luke Honeck, Bo Huang, Irene Huang, James Jeffery, Nathanael Kumar, Matthew Lam, Caleb Meyerhoff, Austin White, Julianne Zhu
Performers: Anna Bjerken, soprano; Sarah Cao, soprano; Elijah Gebers, baritone; Isabella Gozzo, soprano; Hannah Harnest, pianist; Alexandra Hartin, soprano; Gina Hyunmin Lee, pianist; Yuchen Lyu, pianist; Zihua Ma, violinist; Sofia Mains, soprano; Mackenzie Minguillo, soprano; Jordan Oney, bass vocalist; Kristi Roller, cellist; Keon Sagara, viola; Ashley Schlusselburg, soprano; Carolina Sullivan, soprano; Anne-Marie Wnek, violinist; Hannah Yan, mezzo-soprano; Xinyi Zeng, pianist; Catherine Zhou, pianist.
songSLAM is a social event for enthusiasts of new song and collaborations. The audience votes for their favorite songs, while enjoying food, drink, and camaraderie! This event is free, family-friendly, and open to the public – we hope to see you there.