Highest Artistic Honor= Serving Communities
Link to website of my community concert organization discussed in video: www.MusicUnboxed.org
Link to website of my community concert organization discussed in video: www.MusicUnboxed.org
I have been working on a way to say what I have said in this video for a few months now, in that it is touchy for me. When I get involved with projects, I dive in, jump in, am all in, and so I really got the full picture and had to work on keeping it real with myself before throwing the thoughts into the world in a way that would make others accountable for me not asking all the questions I should have asked at the beginning of these projects. We grow and we learn. This is life. Wishing you all the best! Thanks for watching!
Peacefulness, Beauty, Goodness, Gentleness, Courage, and so on are all things the world will always want more of and so PLAY ON MY FELLOW ARTISTS, POETS, MUSICIANS :0)
Sarah talks movies and orchestra concerts. Bring your own popcorn.
Links to 4 Blogs of Which I Love:
1) Renita Kalhourn @FlowJunkie on Twitter http://stepupyourgamenow.com
2) Jade Simmons: EMERGE ALREADY! @JadeSimmons on Twitter http://jademedia.org
3) Dan James: A Big Creative YES @CoachCreative on Twitter http://coachcreative.com/abigcreativeyes
4) Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com
I come from a big family! and in a lot of ways have transferred my family philosophy to my work philosophy. LOVE LOVE LOVE and more LOVE. My ideal work day consists of a genuine feeling of community. I practice this philosophy and make it a way of life just like I would practicing scales.