Tag - musician

Another Antidote for the Music Major’s Bridge to Nowhere—Create You, Inc.
Antidote for the Music Major’s Bridge to Nowhere—Use Your Legos

Another Antidote for the Music Major’s Bridge to Nowhere—Create You, Inc.

All musicians don’t have to be performers.  Though they may start by singing or playing an instrument, some musicians transition to composing or studying music history or theory.  An amateur does this for recreation and fun.  A professional may do that too, but the difference is this: professionals are paid for what they do (and[…]

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Antidote for the Music Major’s Bridge to Nowhere—Use Your Legos

Legos.  You know what they are, little pieces of plastic that have an interlocking system that allows the user to combine them in an infinite number of ways.  With Legos you can make things like buildings or vehicles.  If you don’t like what you make, you can continually try to improve it by rearranging the[…]

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