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Diversifying the Symphony
Diversifying the Symphony
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
In Pursuit of Diversity in Our Orchestras
Embouchure Overuse Syndrome in Brass Players
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Do Outreach Skills Have A Place In The Audition Process?
The Virginia Symphony Musicians’ PR Brochure: Hampton Roads’ Major League Team!

Diversifying the Symphony

On Day 3, Alberto detailed the public relations efforts of his orchestra on behalf of a newly hired colleague. Although I appreciate the example of individual hires in individual orchestras, such as Damon Gupton who I know from Juilliard as a theatre student, my point was about the entire industry. The Phoenix Suns’ touting the[…]

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Diversifying the Symphony

In reading through the comments of my colleagues and Ann’s wonderful introductory statement, I sense that this a great opportunity to look at many facets of this issue. I must say having more brass players involved is always a good thing. Some of the aspects that have already been raised include: • The myth of[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

Robert wrote: “I hope no one will reply that most auditions aren’t done that way, as most auditions in the US and Canada are done that way.” I disagree. In my years sitting on audition committees we would listen to a (by example, section viola auditions-sorry, Robert) finalist perform in a Mozart quartet, and I[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

The most important aspect of the tenure process for me is the hiring process. Take enough time and care during the audition process, don’t allow yourself to be rushed into making a quick decision, be really excited about your final choice, and tenure-granting will most likely never be a problem, no matter what system you[…]

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Oh Canada!

At the risk of demonstrating a howling lack of imagination, I’m going to continue my relentless march through Ann’s proposed topic list. Fortunately, it’s a good one today: “the relationships between and among the AFM, Orchestras Canada, and the Canada Council” (and just for good measure, I’ll include in the Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians).[…]

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Oh Canada!

Let me introduce myself: my name is Brian Robinson and I am the Principal Bass and Players Committee Chairman of l’orchestre symphonique de Montreal. I have been a member of the orchestra for 24 years. A simple way to sum up our orchestra is the old saying: “never a dull moment”! This orchestra has experienced[…]

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