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In Memoriam 2007
New World Symphony, America’s Orchestral Academy
Baton down the hatches
Baton down the hatches
Breaking the Sound Barrier: The Sphinx Organization and Classical Music
Elgin Symphony Orchestra
The NACOcasts: Podcasting is changing the way orchestras communicate with audiences
Spotlight on Australian Symphony Orchestras: the past, the present, the future
National Symphony Orchestra
Do As I Say: Music Conservatory Culture and its Contribution to Discontentment Among Professional Orchestral Musicians

New World Symphony, America’s Orchestral Academy

The New World Symphony, a post-graduate orchestral academy located in Miami FL, is celebrating its 20th anniversary season. According to the NWS website, the mission of the New World Symphony is to prepare highly-gifted graduates of distinguished music programs for leadership roles in orchestras and ensembles around the world.

Currently celebrating their 20th anniversary, the NWS has come a long way in 20 years.

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Baton down the hatches

A good rehearsal is… …well-planned. A rehearsal outline, with reasonably accurate time allotments, is step one. As a violinist, I pretty much play everything all the time, but it saves time and helps with pacing when I know what’s coming at me in the next two and a half hours. We also have a lot[…]

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Baton down the hatches

I’m supposed to be helping to moderate this discussion, not participate in it. But I found my own questions too tempting not to answer. So here are my five ways to have your orchestra not hate working for you: Don’t talk so much. No one became a musician because they wanted to hear conductors talk.[…]

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Elgin Symphony Orchestra

The Elgin Symphony is a suburban orchestra 40 miles NW of Chicago with a budget of $3 million. Yet they just made a Copland recording for Naxos, the city of Elgin is planning to build them a new hall, and they operate in the black. Read about their success and listen to an excerpt of their new recording.

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National Symphony Orchestra

There are several things that make the NSO unique among American orchestras. You might have seen us on TV for our annual Memorial Day concert at the Capitol, or our annual 4th of July concert, our most visible national presence. You might not have heard about our yearly American Residency, sponsored in part by the US Department of Education.

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