
Vlog #22

Ghost and upcoming transcriptions.

VLOG#21_Reflecting on the CD Release so far


Here are some things that I learned about releasing my first album. After watching this video on my own, it’s really honest and critical.. which is just the type of person that I am. However, I neglected to talk about all the extremely positive things that came out of this album, besides the things that I could have done better. For example, I was able to produce a event that attracted more than 100 people which was our goal which enabled us to recoup a lot of the expenses of the release. The sales have actually been pretty decent (although I haven’t been keeping track as well as I should have) We printed 500, and only have about 150 left, although we sent out about 50 to press, and gave away about 50 to close friends and family. But for this album, and for the strange type of music that it is, I think that number is pretty succesful! The whole journey has been really fun, from branding, to communicating with all the people involved – venues, pr, managers, other bands, friends, and it’s gotten me closer to the Chicago community. I documented my progress as well as I could hoping that other people can benefit from the things that I have learned and experienced.

Vlog #21

Playing a Broadway show.

VLOG#20_Artsy – Silent Performance


I was trying to record myself for practice and to share with you a piece that I will be performing in an audition for New Music School’s audition for their “Simuli” concert series. I’m excited about it, and it comes with a bunch of perks.. Anyway, I forgot to record the audio, but I thought that the performance without it is kinda artsy… and you still get some sort of experience from it.. so here you go 🙂 The piece that I’m playing is “Fuoco” from Roland Dyen’s Libra Sonatine. Enjoy!

Vlog #22
VLOG#21_Reflecting on the CD Release so far
Vblog#20 – Musical
Vlog #21 Semesters for Life
Vlog #20 Process vs Product
Vlog #21 Social media as creative tools
Vlog #20 Our media-rich environment is a double-edged swo
Vlog #19 What made a 6-hour event work
Vlog #21
VLOG#20_Artsy – Silent Performance