OnCampus Blog

“School Residencies” – Catie Hickey Vlog

In her latest video blog, trombonist Catie Hickey provides some thoughts on going into schools as a musician and different ways she approaches these opportunities.  Enjoy!

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A Question of Values

Many of us have been closely following the strike of the San Francisco Symphony, but the clamor of critics accusing the musicians of being unreasonable in their demands has gone largely unheard. Until now, that is. On March 18th, San Francisco resident, musician, and minister Melinda McLain posted a poignant and deeply heartfelt response to[…]

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“Competition in Music” – Jason Trueting vlog

In his latest video blog, percussionist Jason Trueting talks about his recent experience judging a concerto competition, and how he generally feels about competitions in the music field.  Enjoy!

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“Pre-Opera Vlog” – Lauren Denney Wright vlog

In her latest video blog, conductor Lauren Denney Wright talks about one of the ways she uses spring break to get inspired musically.  Enjoy!

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Classical Revolution Detroit – Breaking Down Barriers

In a recent article in Symphony Magazine, bassist Rick Robinson talks about starting Classical Revolution Detroit and how much he has enjoyed bringing classical music into new venues.  His passion for sharing classical music comes through in his writing, and his story is no doubt inspiring to fellow musicians who hope to draw new audiences[…]

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Airplane Conversations

There are fewer places better suited for forced social interaction than the cabin of a commercial airplane. Where else do you find yourself required to remain seated within inches of a total stranger for a significant length of time, reluctantly enduring such unusual predicaments as delays, turbulence, and spilled apple juice? Such a situation has[…]

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“Language Skills Matter” – Catie Hickey vlog

In this video blog, trombonist Catie Hickey talks about her experiences traveling and the importance of communicating with fellow musicians.  Enjoy!

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“Application Updates” – Derek Jenkins vlog

In his newest video blog, composer Derek Jenkins updates us on his graduate school applications and process.  Enjoy!

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A Musician’s Legacy

Last week, the classical music world lost a truly great musician. Van Cliburn, best known for his unprecedented victory at the 1958 Tchaikovsky competition in Moscow, passed away on February 27th at the age of 78. For me, Mr. Cliburn’s passing struck a personal note, because I had the privilege of sharing a stage with[…]

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“More Flexibility” – Jason Trueting vlog

In his latest video blog, percussionist Jason Trueting talks about how his career as a musician has evolved into a number of facets and how being flexible and open has led him to that point.  Enjoy!

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“School Residencies” – Catie Hickey Vlog
A Question of Values
“Competition in Music” – Jason Trueting vlog
“Pre-Opera Vlog” – Lauren Denney Wright vlog
Classical Revolution Detroit – Breaking Down Barriers
Airplane Conversations
“Language Skills Matter” – Catie Hickey vlog
“Application Updates” – Derek Jenkins vlog
A Musician’s Legacy
“More Flexibility” – Jason Trueting vlog