OnCampus Blog

One Woman in a Hundred & The Power List

Below are links to popular recent articles dealing with gender equality issues in concert music organizations: Harpist in the Lion’s Den – this is an article on the League of American Orchestra’s Symphony Now website which profiles Mary Sue Welsh’s recent book release One Woman in a Hundred: Edna Phillips and the Philadelphia Orchestra.  A[…]

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“Orchestral Etiquette 101” – Meghan Caulkett vlog

In this video blog, harpist Meghan Caulkett talks about basic professional etiquette when playing with an orchestra.  Check out this great advice!

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Surviving an Arduous April: Tips for Staying Healthy During Exams and Juries

T.S. Eliot famously described April as “the cruelest month,” and I suspect that a lot of college music students would wholeheartedly agree with him. Already exhausted following the summer festival/college auditions of January and February and the taxing waiting period of March, we students often find ourselves running on empty at the exact time that[…]

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“April is Tell Your Story Month!” – Jade Simmons vlog

In her latest video blog, pianist Jade Simmons talks about the multiple events she is taking part in this month that revolve around “telling your story.”  Enjoy!

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“Quintet, Ballet, Rehearsal Plans, and “Yes” Mode!” – Michael Flynn vlog

In his latest video blog, trumpeter Michael Flynn talks about his recent performing experiences and explains the “Yes” mode.  Enjoy!

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“Enjoying Composition Time Again” – Derek Jenkins vlog

In this video blog, composer Derek Jenkins talks about his recent compositional productivity and his feelings about the need to compose every day.  Enjoy!  

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“Talking About What We Do” – Jason Trueting vlog

In his newest video blog, percussionist Jason Trueting talks about recent interviews and the importance of being able to talk about our work as musicians. Enjoy!

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Musical Purgatory

A ripple of fear courses through your veins as the porcelain white mail truck makes its way up the street. The results from your top-choice music school/summer festival are due to arrive any day now, and a letter containing the information you’ve longed to know for months could very well be buried within the voluminous[…]

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“It’s Spring Break For Professors Too!” – Lauren Denney Wright vlog

In her latest video blog, conductor Lauren Denney Wright talks about her plans for spring break and the 2nd half of the semester.  Enjoy!

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“Jade’s new Sphinx Award + The Key to Getting Recognition” – Jade Simmons vlog

In her latest video blog, pianist Jade Simmons talks about a recent award she received (congrats Jade!) and provides some thoughts about recognition.  Enjoy!

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One Woman in a Hundred & The Power List
“Orchestral Etiquette 101” – Meghan Caulkett vlog
Surviving an Arduous April: Tips for Staying Healthy During Exams and Juries
“April is Tell Your Story Month!” – Jade Simmons vlog
“Quintet, Ballet, Rehearsal Plans, and “Yes” Mode!” – Michael Flynn vlog
“Enjoying Composition Time Again” – Derek Jenkins vlog
“Talking About What We Do” – Jason Trueting vlog
Musical Purgatory
“It’s Spring Break For Professors Too!” – Lauren Denney Wright vlog
“Jade’s new Sphinx Award + The Key to Getting Recognition” – Jade Simmons vlog