Interesting Audience Trends that Musicians Need to Know
It’s All in Your Head: The Untapped Potential of Mental Practice
The Perils and Pitfalls of the Success Status
Five Reasons Your Jury Isn’t Worth Stressing Over
Google Glass + Orchestras = ???
Register for Free April 14th Webinar – “Public Speaking for Musicians”
Genghis Barbie – You Guessed It – A French Horn Quartet!
New Grants Available for “Innovative Ensemble” Events, Initiatives, and Research!
Count to 9
The New Traits Employers are Looking For

Interesting Audience Trends that Musicians Need to Know

Culture Track 2014 was released this week.  What is Culture Track? Well, it is basically a big study of people’s habits related to participation in cultural events.  The Culture Track website says, “Fielded since 2003, Culture Track is the largest national tracking study focused exclusively on the ever-changing attitudes and behaviors of U.S. cultural consumers,[…]

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It’s All in Your Head: The Untapped Potential of Mental Practice

Lately, I’ve spent a fair amount of time on trains. In fact, I’m currently writing this from somewhere in eastern New York on hour nine of a tiring return to Rochester. I’m not just riding the rails for my health, of course (in fact, it has quite the opposite effect); some professional opportunities arose in[…]

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Five Reasons Your Jury Isn’t Worth Stressing Over

I think it is safe to say it: winter is over. Okay, so in Rochester we do still have some blackened snowdrifts lingering in parking lot corners, and yes, I did see a weather report that we’re supposed to get into the 20s again next week (!) but for the most part, the formidable season[…]

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Google Glass + Orchestras = ???

Musicians and orchestras are beginning to experiment with the many possibilities that exist with new technologies, including Google Glass.  Check out the video below featuring the Kansas City Symphony and ways they envision using the technology in the future.

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Register for Free April 14th Webinar – “Public Speaking for Musicians”

April 14, 2014 – 8PM Eastern Presenters: Steve Haase, Senior eCommerce Marketing Consultant at HubSpot Mike Lemire, Senior Marketing Consultant and Team Lead at HubSpot Register for Free Description: As a musician in today’s world, you need to be able to do more than just play. Sometimes you need to stand up for your ideas[…]

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Genghis Barbie – You Guessed It – A French Horn Quartet!

The cover story of this month’s International Musician is an interview with Genghis Barbie, “the Self-Described Leading Post Post-Feminist Feminist All-Female Horn Experience.” “One thing that we’ve learned from creating and sustaining our own group is that it’s not only about finding the opportunities that are available to you, but actually discovering what it is[…]

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New Grants Available for “Innovative Ensemble” Events, Initiatives, and Research!

Grant proposals are due September 1, 2014 for the first cycle of grants under the newly established Paul R. Judy Center for Applied Research.  Anyone can apply for these grants, which are intended to support new initiatives, events, and research surrounding the topic of “Innovative ensembles.”  Grants will range from $500-$2,000 and a total of[…]

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Count to 9

Have you ever been knocked sideways by a performance of a work that you know really well? In fact, so well, that you have approached past performances more as duty rather than a pleasure. It happened to me recently with the Beethoven Ninth Symphony, one of the most popular and often performed works in the[…]

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The New Traits Employers are Looking For

From “Barry’s Blog” – “For every job, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not I.Q. It’s learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make[…]

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Interesting Audience Trends that Musicians Need to Know
It’s All in Your Head: The Untapped Potential of Mental Practice
The Perils and Pitfalls of the Success Status
Five Reasons Your Jury Isn’t Worth Stressing Over
Google Glass + Orchestras = ???
Register for Free April 14th Webinar – “Public Speaking for Musicians”
Genghis Barbie – You Guessed It – A French Horn Quartet!
New Grants Available for “Innovative Ensemble” Events, Initiatives, and Research!
Count to 9
The New Traits Employers are Looking For