Playing it “Wrong”: Is Modern Performance Practice Alienating Audiences?
What is a #MusiciansInstaMeet and what can it do for Classical Music?
The Email Protocols
“Community Enhancement”: Bringing Classical Music to a Ski Resort
Update from the “Real World”: Musings of a Music School Grad
Thankful for Music
How do we save Classical Music?
The Singer’s Audition Handbook
Refuting the “Orchestra Job or Nothing” Mentality
Practicing for the Right Reasons

Playing it “Wrong”: Is Modern Performance Practice Alienating Audiences?

These days, the “theory” behind classical music’s decline in pop culture is common knowledge: the genre evolved out of rigid traditions in the church and monarchical regimes, became indelibly associated with the upper class, and maintained prominence until the beginning of the twentieth century, when cultural interest began to shift to new popular genres and[…]

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The Email Protocols

When you have three different teaching jobs, run a website, and blog for two more, you end up spending a lot of time on email. This is what I have learned over the past few months as I’ve juggled a variety of burgeoning professional obligations, all of which require a significant amount of regular email[…]

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“Community Enhancement”: Bringing Classical Music to a Ski Resort

What does “community outreach” look like in contemporary culture? This question has been asked with increasing frequency in recent years, in both theoretical and practical contexts. Which means of concert presentation will best communicate the mission of classical performance to novice audiences? How do we demystify genres such as chamber music and opera without seeming[…]

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Update from the “Real World”: Musings of a Music School Grad

I know I’m succumbing to stereotype to say this, but it’s hard to believe how fast this year has gone by. It feels as though the seemingly endless polar vortexes of January and February transpired only yesterday, but now it’s the week before Christmas, and 2014 is preparing to make its exit. For me, this[…]

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The Singer’s Audition Handbook

Carnegie Hall’s Musical Exchange program has created a resourceful page of videos and other resources to help singers prepare for auditions.  Topics include choosing repertoire, degree programs, young artist programs, competitions, taking a great headshot, preparing your resume, creating a demo recording, and more.  Check it out here.

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Refuting the “Orchestra Job or Nothing” Mentality

Many of you may have heard of musicschoolcentral.com–a fantastic site launched earlier this year with the intention of assisting prospective music majors in finding a school and degree program that best suits their individual interests. Its founder, Bill Zuckerman, has done a wonderful job covering the musical school scene from multiple angles, providing posts and[…]

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Practicing for the Right Reasons

Last week, I wrote about the challenges high school students face when attempting to find practice time whilst juggling a myriad of other commitments. I concluded that making time for the instrument is certainly possible if one plans ahead and makes the most of their allotted practice hours, but there remains one key ingredient necessary[…]

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Playing it “Wrong”: Is Modern Performance Practice Alienating Audiences?
What is a #MusiciansInstaMeet and what can it do for Classical Music?
The Email Protocols
“Community Enhancement”: Bringing Classical Music to a Ski Resort
Update from the “Real World”: Musings of a Music School Grad
Thankful for Music
How do we save Classical Music?
The Singer’s Audition Handbook
Refuting the “Orchestra Job or Nothing” Mentality
Practicing for the Right Reasons