We Play Golf, Too
“Hard Questions” – Catie Hickey vlog
Meghan Caulkett vlog: “47 Strings- Educational and Innovative Harp Outreach”
Michael Flynn vlog: “Concert Upcoming and Coordinate your programs”
Jason Treuting vlog: “From Minneapolis MN and Helena MT”
Social Media: Updating the Status of Classical Music
Lauren Denney Wright vlog: “It’s ok to ask for help!”
Domenic Salerni vlog: “It’s a Montage”
Derek Jenkins vlog: “Composition Competitions”
Beethoven on a Toothpick

We Play Golf, Too

Should your biography begin with a listing of your college degrees or a reference to your weekend pasttimes? The latter anecdote might actually be a better choice, according to violinist and performance psychologist Noa Kogeyama. In a recent blog post on his popular website, The Bulletproof Musician, Kogeyama describes how a cleverly written bio he[…]

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“Hard Questions” – Catie Hickey vlog

In her newest video blog, trombonist Catie Hickey talks about the list of “hard questions” that she is asking herself related to her current activities, her musicianship, and the future of her art.   It is probably an exercise that we should all do! Check it out here.

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Meghan Caulkett vlog: “47 Strings- Educational and Innovative Harp Outreach”

In her newest video blog, harpist Meghan Caulkett gives us a glimpse into her innovative 47 Strings concert outreach initiative.  Check out this wonderful program!

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Michael Flynn vlog: “Concert Upcoming and Coordinate your programs”

In his latest video blog, trumpeter and conductor Michael Flynn talks about his upcoming performances and emphasizes the importance of collaborating with other area institutions to make transitions smooth for students who are moving between them. Check it out!

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Jason Treuting vlog: “From Minneapolis MN and Helena MT”

In his latest video blog, percussionist Jason Treuting provides a glimpse into the recent premiere of So Percussion’s project “Where we Live” in Minneapolis.  Check it out!

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Social Media: Updating the Status of Classical Music

You’ve really got to hand it to Mark Zuckerberg. With nothing but his computer, some beer, and an algorithm scrawled across the window of his Harvard dorm room (if the movie, “The Social Network,” is to be believed), the then-nineteen-year-old technological whiz kid created Facebook, one of the most significant inventions in modern history. True,[…]

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Lauren Denney Wright vlog: “It’s ok to ask for help!”

In her latest video blog, conductor Lauren Denney Wright talks about how we all need to ask for help sometimes, and how asking for help can actually be good for everyone involved. Enjoy!

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Domenic Salerni vlog: “It’s a Montage”

Here is what violinist Domenic Salerni had to say about his newest video blog: “A smattering of pictures relating to recent Vega Quartet events set to our demo CD recording of Haydn’s Op. 33 No. 1. We anticipate our demo to drop later this month. Hope you enjoy!”

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Derek Jenkins vlog: “Composition Competitions”

In his newest video blog, composer Derek Jenkins talks about his perspective on composition competitions.  He presents some sound advice on how composers might think about competitions.  Take a look!

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Beethoven on a Toothpick

Last week, I posted a refutation to the idea that classical music–or more specifically, the symphony orchestra–is no longer a relevant art form in contemporary culture, and pointed to the growing entrepreneurial musicianship movement as a solution to many of its current problems, such as dwindling audiences and unstable financial situations. This week, I am[…]

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We Play Golf, Too
“Hard Questions” – Catie Hickey vlog
Meghan Caulkett vlog: “47 Strings- Educational and Innovative Harp Outreach”
Michael Flynn vlog: “Concert Upcoming and Coordinate your programs”
Jason Treuting vlog: “From Minneapolis MN and Helena MT”
Social Media: Updating the Status of Classical Music
Lauren Denney Wright vlog: “It’s ok to ask for help!”
Domenic Salerni vlog: “It’s a Montage”
Derek Jenkins vlog: “Composition Competitions”
Beethoven on a Toothpick