The Music is the Mission, Not the Money
O Say, Did You Know?: Patriotic Music Trivia!
A Backstage View of Artist Management
Five Tips for Being Successful at Your Summer Music Festival
We Are Looking for Young Musician Video Bloggers!
Pay More Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain
Jade Wraps her Cliburn Experience
My West Point Band Audition
The #JadeAtCliburn Social Media Blitz
The Importance of Not Practicing

The Music is the Mission, Not the Money

“The music is the mission, not the money.” That is one of many points made by Alan Fletcher, President and CEO of the Aspen Music Festival at their recent 2013 convocation.  You can read the full text of his remarks here. Fletcher gives us some hopeful works of inspiration, but also some frank thoughts about[…]

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O Say, Did You Know?: Patriotic Music Trivia!

You don’t need the radio on for very long today to hear it: the jubilant rhythms of “The Stars and Stripes Forever,” the triumphant strains of “The Star Spangled Banner,” or, if you’re listening to a classical station, the majestic opening viola solo of Dvorak’s “American” quartet. Independence Day has come again, and patriotic music[…]

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A Backstage View of Artist Management

As part of their First Tuesday series, Chamber Music America recently presented a talk by artist management expert Edna Landau titled “A Backstage View of Artist Management.”  You can watch video of Edna’s presentation here. For future artists and artist managers alike, Edna’s “non-sugar-coated” information about the industry is enlightening and engaging. Enjoy!

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Five Tips for Being Successful at Your Summer Music Festival

The other morning, I arose at the ungodly hour of 7 A.M. to bid farewell to my sixteen-year-old brother, who is headed off to music camp for the next four weeks. As I blearily hugged him good-bye, I was reminded of the many summers I traveled to camps myself, dragging my suitcase and instrument through[…]

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We Are Looking for Young Musician Video Bloggers!

Polyphonic On Campus is looking for our next team of video bloggers!  Video bloggers are young musicians who are typically 21-35 years old and want to share their experiences via regular video blogs.  Video bloggers are paid a stipend and receive a wealth of exposure on Polyphonic.org and our social media profiles. Video bloggers chronicle[…]

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Pay More Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain

For us musicians, performing a concert is nothing unusual. We know the routine–arrive an hour or so before start time, find a practice room, warm up, get nervous, go onstage, play, de-stress briefly at intermission, play some more, accept the applause, mingle with audience members at the reception (if there is one), get in the[…]

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Jade Wraps her Cliburn Experience

Pianist and video blogger Jade Simmons recently hosted the live online webcast of the 14th Van Cliburn Piano Competition.  She hosted interviews, provided commentary, and used social media to converse with fans about the many performances.  Click here to watch Jade’s recap vlog.  We think Jade deserves a big round of applause for her work[…]

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My West Point Band Audition

In this video blog, trombonist Catie Hickey takes us through the process of her recent audition with the West Point Band. Enjoy!

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The #JadeAtCliburn Social Media Blitz

In her latest video blog, pianist Jade Simmons talks about her upcoming experiences hosting the webcast for the Cliburn Piano Competition and how she is integrating social media with her efforts.  Enjoy!

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The Importance of Not Practicing

It’s over! The end of the school year has arrived at last, and now that you’ve finished your exams, passed your jury, and hopefully passed your dorm room inspection (“you’re quite sure that drawer was broken before you moved in, Melinda?”), you’re free to take a break from work and enjoy some much-needed R&R. As[…]

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The Music is the Mission, Not the Money
O Say, Did You Know?: Patriotic Music Trivia!
A Backstage View of Artist Management
Five Tips for Being Successful at Your Summer Music Festival
We Are Looking for Young Musician Video Bloggers!
Pay More Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain
Jade Wraps her Cliburn Experience
My West Point Band Audition
The #JadeAtCliburn Social Media Blitz
The Importance of Not Practicing