The Short End of the Stick

Once again, Robert Levine and I are moderating a discussion panel about conductors, but this time we want to let the conductors share with musicians their perspectives on conducting and making music.

Musicians are famous for complaining about conductors – we don’t like your tempo, we don’t understand your beat, you talk too much, you don’t talk enough, you jump around too much, you’re too stiff, etc., etc., etc. Well, now it’s time for the conductors to have a turn.

We want to know what bugs you about symphony musicians – we’re pretty sure you don’t like it when we cross our legs, chew gum, talk during rehearsal, don’t pay attention, look sullen, tell jokes that we don’t share with you, etc. But in a serious context, what do you feel musicians aren’t sharing with you in terms of making music: where could we help you / respond to you / communicate with you in different ways that would further the goal of achieving your interpretation of a composition? But then again, should we??? What’s your job and what’s our job in this complicated process of making music?

There are so many issues to discuss: what is it like to conduct a stage full of 100+ people? What does it feel like to really connect with a section during a passage? Pierre Monteux used the analogy that conducting an orchestra is like riding a race horse – when do you give the horse his head, and when do you guide him? When do you let the oboist / flutist / whomever play the solo unaided, and when do you shape the solo for/with the player?

About the author

Ann Drinan
Ann Drinan

Ann Drinan, Senior Editor, has been a member of the Hartford Symphony viola section for over 30 years. She is a former Chair of the Orchestra Committee, former member of the HSO Board, and has served on many HSO committees. She is also the Executive Director of CONCORA (CT Choral Artists), a professional chorus based in Hartford and New Britain, founded by Artistic Director Richard Coffey. Ann was a member of the Advisory Board of the Symphony Orchestra Institute (SOI), and was the HSO ROPA delegate for 14 years, serving as both Vice President and President of ROPA. In addition to playing the viola and running CONCORA, Ann is a professional writer and editor, and has worked as a consultant and technical writer for software companies in a wide variety of industries for over 3 decades. (She worked for the Yale Computer Science Department in the late 70s, and thus has been on the Internet, then called the DARPAnet, since 1977!) She is married to Algis Kaupas, a sound recordist, and lives a block from Long Island Sound in Branford CT. Together they create websites for musicians:

Ann holds a BA in Music from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and an MA in International Relations from Yale University.

Read Ann Drinan's blog here.

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