Oh Canada!
The November VDP puts the spotlight on Canadian orchestras. Canadian and US symphony musicians all belong to the same union, and many Americans play in Canadian orchestras and Canadians play in American orchestras. But the nature of symphony orchestras is rather different in the two countries, in large part because of the amount of government funding available for Canadian orchestras. But such funding brings its own set of problems.
I’ve invited a panel of Canadians, representing all aspects of the Canadian orchestra scene, to explore a variety of topics, including the Canadian orchestra funding model; the relationships between the AFM, Orchestras Canada, and the Canada Council; Canadian outreach and community engagement initiatives; a Quebecoise perspective; and the current role of the CBC in promoting orchestras. And I’m sure the panelists will bring many more topics to the table.
Polyphonic hopes to provide a forum for Canadian symphony musicians to dialogue with each other about these and other topics, and share successes and concerns about their orchestra. And the discussion should also provide American symphony musicians with both an introduction to some of the issues that concern their northern colleagues and an opportunity to join in the discussion.
I urge you to read Mark Tetreault’s article, Canadian Perlustration, for an insightful overview of the issues confronting Canadian orchestras, and how they differ from orchestras in the US. Mark is the AFM’s DIrector of Symphonic Services in Canada and Principal Tubist with the Toronto Symphony, and he’s one of our panelists.
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