Librarians: In their own words

Editor’s note: Since Jessica is fairly new in her position I asked her what she likes most, and least, about her job. Her answers follow:

I love being at rehearsal, especially when I see that the players are able to make music, not fight with problem xyz in the part. I enjoy a
good problem-solving or research challenge. For example, searching for an obscure work or arrangement, especially when it involves making a new connection with a publisher or another librarian who has what I need.

Endless photocopying is a chore, but necessary. Dealing with pops materials can be a trying experience; they’re like a box of chocolates,
I never know what I’m going to get. To be fair I have had nicely prepared music arrive from artists, but incomplete folders, difficult-to-read parts, string parts with no bowings, and instrumentation discrepancies are some of the things libraries deal with at the last minute.

About the author

Jessica Slais

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