Driving for Dollars

I try very hard to drive as little as possible. This year I was down to 25,000 miles. My car is a 2002 (bought in December) and I have 157,500 miles on it. I have to do an oil change and routine maintenance every six weeks so those costs add up fast. Also as my car has been aging, the costs of repairs has gone up as well. My expenses this year were at an all time high. Catalytic converter repair – $2200 (Ouch!!!) Tires $750 (higher quality because I drive so much). Brakes -$450. Etc., etc.

The worst thing for me is falling asleep at the wheel. I can’t drink coffee because I don’t want to be awake all night. I sip decaf, but rarely. I drive with the windows down even in the winter, I listen to books on tape, use my cell phone, stop and do jumping jacks on the side of the road, do car calisthenics. (Moving various body parts as much as I can to get the circulation going. Tilting my head down and looking out of the “top” of my eyes so I can feel it sooner when the lids are going down. Finding myself not being able to remember the last 20 or so exits, at all.)

I will not eat junk food or fast food ever, so I have Car cuisine – enough said! I actually gave it a name and even my husband knows exactly what to pack for me. Foods that are healthy and that you can eat while driving and that you will not spill on your concert clothes. I eat at least 3-4 meals a week in the car or quickly just before rehearsals. I know where every microwave is along the routes that I regularly drive, and all the bathrooms too. I have a Labrador, so she takes care of all the food debris in the car.

Seriously – So far I have not had any accidents but I feel like statistically I am at risk. I try to leave extra time so being late is not a factor. I try to car pool as much as I can. I try to stay calm behind the wheel and try not to drive too fast. Good luck to us all who drive so much.

Be careful out there and remember, the guy in front of you who is going too slow is doing the best he can and don’t tailgate!!

About the author

Christine Coyle
Christine Coyle

Christine Coyle is a section cellist in New Haven Symphony, Eastern CT Symphony and the Hudson Valley Philharmonic. She also works with other various orchestras in the area. She teahes at The Thames Valley Music School as well as the Community Music School in Essex. She is a memeber of the Amaryllis Ensemble, which performs gigs from Princton NJ to Simsbury CT and beyond. I love doing anything outdoors especially if it involves getting dirty and sweaty!

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