Baton down the hatches
I’d like to change direction a bit for Day 3. Here in Milwaukee we’ve seen lots of assistant-type conductors over the past couple of years (as we’ve been through a search process twice in three years). I’ve found myself very discouraged by the general level amongst young conductors, even those with positions with major orchestras. If, as I believe, this field suffers from a serious conductor deficit, how do we solve it?
Conducting is a unique kind of performance art in several ways. But often overlooked is how hard it is to even begin the learning process. If someone wants to learn how to play viola (and yes, some people actually do), they find an instrument, find a teacher, and go at it. If one wants to learn to conduct, things are much much harder. It’s as if the only aircraft for training pilots were 747s. Not many pilots would get trained that way. And the handful that would get 747 time would be those with chutzpah, money, sharp elbows, good political connections, or some combination therein – not necessarily those with any talent for flying.
So how do we, as an industry, identify conducting talent, train such talent, and then develop it in the field?
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