Discussion Panel

Engaging the Community

In reply to Yvonne’s comment on my Day 3 post : Yvonne, thank you for your comment, and as far as any special ‘ability’ or insight I may have and whether the technique is transferable to another, all I can say is: Ha! Absolutely. Not only are others doing this, but differently, and in many[…]

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Engaging the Community

In response to Yvonne’s Day 3 post: Thanks very much for this post! We are just about to begin using video cameras in the hall during some of our Access and education concerts in this way, so it’s great to hear your success stories. I completely agree that it can be very compelling for people[…]

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Engaging the Community

A working definition of community engagement I enjoy is “the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people.” To what extent would or should this apply to our individual orchestra’s efforts? An interesting fact is[…]

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Engaging the Community

In response to Yvonne’s Day 4 post: The two challenges you raised definitely deserve our collective reflection and hopefully, ideas for concrete action. I agree that Polyphonic is a great resource for “getting the word out” (as is the ASOL edlist), but I think we could all use these resources better to share information. The[…]

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Engaging the Community

If nothing else, this discussion has highlighted extraordinary efforts being made in cities throughout the country: Denver, Tucson, NYC, Philadelphia, Detroit, Washington — and many, many towns in Canada, thanks to the great work radiating outward from NACO. (How I wish we had a broadband studio at the Kennedy Center!) I think the challenges remaining[…]

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Engaging the Community

So enjoyed Aaron’s and Yvonne’s comments and Yvonne’s description of featuring a live composer. I had some great experiences awhile back with Carole Wysocki and the NSO. I also want to mention that so much of what I learned about relating to a young audience I learned from Eric Bertoluzzi when I was resident with[…]

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Engaging the Community

In response to Yvonne’s question about my Day 2 post: If you go to www.ed.gov/programs/artseducationmodel/awards.html , you can see the awards since 2002. Ours was in 2003 under Arapahoe County and at the time called ARK (Arts Reaching Kids). If you look at each year you can see the kind of models being investigated. By[…]

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Engaging the Community

In response to Yvonne’s question about my Day 1 post: The NAC Orchestra’s “Reconnexions” program – as we like to call it – incorporates several components. For each tour, we offer up to 90 education events that include masterclasses, sectional rehearsals, student matinees featuring local artists, and Music Connections projects based on our composer teacher[…]

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Engaging the Community

As an answer to Sarah Johnson, I want to talk about one of the programs I’m involved in producing here at the NSO. I started using projected images along with music in a chamber music setting years before we ever got to use them with the full orchestra. My education director was so taken with[…]

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Engaging the Community

In response to Yvonne’s question to my Day 2 post: Yes – we have started this type of idea of a “cultural incubator.” A few years ago, the DSO renovated historic Orchestra Hall and added the Max M. Fisher Music Center that houses the Music Box Theater and The Jacob Bernard Pincus Music Education Center[…]

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Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community
Engaging the Community