Discussion Panel

Auditioning the Audition Process

It would be quite interesting to research the evolution of the orchestral audition process in order to figure out how it ended up in its current form. There are a couple of obvious factors that have probably influenced the way the audition process has developed. There really is no better way to hear how a[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

The screened audition (AKA “the twelve-minute shoot-out”) has become a hallowed rite of passage for orchestra musicians all over the world. But does it really work? Is the candidate left standing after all those impossible solo bits of Wagner, Strauss and Debussy really the best person to fill a job that’s all about working with[…]

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Oh Canada!

Hi John from your former colleague! Actually the creating of a sizable endowment was one of the 2 main positive achievements of the renewal process that the CPO undertook. They established a goal of 25 million, which is in line with what funders believe the minimum size of an endowment should be: 4 times the[…]

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Oh Canada!

I decided to give myself a day off from Ann’s initial list of topics, so I could read what others had written, stop orating and start discussing. If I were to summarize/analyze the points raised so far, here’s some of what I’d come up with: · People in the Canadian orchestra business are working hard[…]

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Oh Canada!

A question: How can we endow our orchestras? I believe this is generally considered an essential part of financing our orchestras, and yet in Canada we have made relatively little progress with our endowment funds. Perhaps it’s time to make a concerted effort to install a system which will encourage the creation and growth of[…]

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Oh Canada!

In response to Francine’s post on Day 1: In Canada it all has to do with the “u.” Not really, but labour is treated differently from labor in the States. As Francine pointed out, our OCSM orchestras decided for themselves (and some have recently had it decided for them) that they were either employees or[…]

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Oh Canada!

Sorry for being late to the discussion. Most of what I have to say initially is in my article Canadian Perlustration on this site. As Director of Symphonic Services for AFM Canada and Principal Tuba in the Toronto Symphony, I lead a rather hectic life. This is true of many Canadian orchestral musicians, who pursue[…]

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Oh Canada!

At the risk of demonstrating a howling lack of imagination, I’m going to continue my relentless march through Ann’s proposed topic list. Fortunately, it’s a good one today: “the relationships between and among the AFM, Orchestras Canada, and the Canada Council” (and just for good measure, I’ll include in the Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians).[…]

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Oh Canada!

What does it mean to play in a Canadian orchestra? We have the same musical aspirations, the same problems filing the halls (sometimes), the same feelings of exhilaration when we’re in the midst of a great concert, the same successes (and/or problems) with managements as orchestras the world over, but there are some differences, particularly[…]

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Oh Canada!

Let me introduce myself: my name is Brian Robinson and I am the Principal Bass and Players Committee Chairman of l’orchestre symphonique de Montreal. I have been a member of the orchestra for 24 years. A simple way to sum up our orchestra is the old saying: “never a dull moment”! This orchestra has experienced[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!
Oh Canada!