Discussion Panel

Auditioning the Audition Process

It is true that facilitating a standard recording procedure between orchestras would save people money and the hassle of travel. Those are two of the problems that have been identified with the current process. There would be little difference in my mind, between having 12 minutes to demonstrate the most difficult moments in orchestral literature[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

I’ve asked the panelists to consider an alternative to the present system. It could look something like this. A consortium of orchestras (perhaps 50 or so) would agree to act as remote sites for each others’ preliminary auditions. Instead of flying to, say, Milwaukee, to play a live preliminary for the MSO, an aspiring musician[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

As I received the request for an opening statement after the other panel members’ statements had been posted, I have the advantage of having read their excellent remarks prior to composing my own, so please excuse me if my remarks sometimes sound like a response to their comments. I think the obvious should be stated[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

Robert Levine wrote (responding to Nathan Kahn): NK: “The comparison between US symphonic audition procedures and hiring procedures for surgeons and pilots does not equate because those careers require initial and ongoing government certification.” RL: But isn’t it interesting that those who hire surgeons and pilots find the mere fact of certification completely inadequate when[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

Robert Levine wrote: As a music director, wouldn’t you rather spend more time upfront on making a good initial decision than to have to rectify a bad decision by a termination? I’m a bit uncomfortable citing “case law”, even anonymously, but in 12 years in my current position, and many auditions, the one audition winner[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

Tanya Ell wrote: “There really is no better way to hear how a person plays than in a live performance. No amount of resumes, recommendations, or recordings can truly represent what a person is able to do on their instrument in the present moment. When this factor is paired together with the sheer number of[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

I think that the 10-minute, open-to-all audition still has a place in the scheme of searching for new players for an orchestra, but mostly as a way for a player with no experience and/or credentials to be heard. For me, it is more important to focus on who the audition committee is, how well the[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

Many agree that while auditions may be extremely ineffective, they are at the same time indispensable. Why is this? Why do we use auditions and what purpose do they serve? Before setting out to fill a vacancy in your ensemble, first ask yourself: * Who chooses the new musician? * Who is responsible for the[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

The opening statement is not true. The “twelve minute shootout” is not a hallowed rite of passage for orchestra musicians all over the world. Candidates for the London Symphony Orchestra audition for the orchestral section they aspire to join, and that audition lasts way beyond twelve minutes. An audition for the Berlin Philharmonic is before[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process

There’s no doubt that the standard “12 minutes behind the screen” audition is a crazy way for orchestras to select new players. But let’s not forget that current audition traditions evolved as a response —and a remedy—to previous traditions which clearly did not serve the musicians’ best interests. So it may turn out to be[…]

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Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process
Auditioning the Audition Process