Discussion Panel

Life in the Pit

Everyone has safety issues in the pit, and everyone can give examples of hazardous conditions. In ballet and opera, there is always the chance that the nutcracker’s head will fly into the pit, or a stray sword will fly in. In Pittsburgh, a viola took a direct hit from a flying bouquet meant for the[…]

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Life in the Pit

One significant difference between working onstage and working in the pit is the physical environment. By comparison with most stages, many pits are cramped, dark, and cluttered. To add insult to injury, pits are at the bottom of a theater’s gravity well, causing most loose objects and gases, regardless of origin, to end up in[…]

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Life in the Pit

I was asked to render my thoughts on what makes playing in a pit orchestra different from playing in a symphony orchestra. In fact, the difference is less than one might think. What immediately comes to my mind is the lack of space in most orchestra pits, compared to most concert stages. The pit is[…]

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Life in the Pit

I am principal timpanist of the Houston Ballet Orchestra and have served in this capacity for the past five years. Previous to that, I served as section percussion for 14 years. I am also principal timpanist of the Houston Grand Opera Orchestra and have held this chair since its inception in the mid 1990s.I have[…]

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Life in the Pit

The first time I ever thought of pit playing was when I read an ad in the International Musician which announced a bassoon opening for a National Ballet tour of the US, which I thought was a great way to get paid to travel. I was 16 at the time and my first tour at[…]

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Life in the Pit

I have been principal harpist with the Milwaukee Ballet Orchestra since 1983. I was in graduate school when I won the position. Little did I know that through the years I would serve the orchestra not only as harpist, but as union steward, ROPA delegate, and, at various times, as member of the orchestra committee,[…]

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Life in the Pit

My first experience in the pit was during my last year at NEC. We put on Marriage of Figaro, which is still one of my favorites. For the first time, I became aware that symphony orchestras are not all there is in classical music, and I decided that opera was a venue deserving of exploration.[…]

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Life in the Pit

I have been playing 2nd oboe and English horn with the Pittsburgh Opera Orchestra and Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Orchestra for over 12 years. As a young musician planning a career, I never foresaw myself as a “pit musician,” but it has turned out to be more artistically satisfying than I ever imagined. The music of[…]

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Life in the Pit

Robert Levine and Ann Drinan are both moderating this VDP but the software only lets us give credit to one moderator. So Robert Levine appears as the first panelist. We’ll use this spot to pose additional moderator questions to the panel during the week.

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Life in the Pit

Most orchestra musicians have had enough experience of pit work to know that it’s very different from playing the standard orchestral repertoire on stage. To help us understand just how different it is, and why, we’ve assembled a knowledgeable and experienced group of musicians who’ve spent most of their careers out of the view of[…]

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Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit