Discussion Panel

Life in the Pit

All of the panelists have eloquently described numerous challenges of playing in a pit orchestra. Several people have commented that sound levels are often dangerously high, due to the confined space in the pit. The San Francisco Opera Association has agreed to provide custom-made earplugs to all members of the orchestra, free of charge. They[…]

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Life in the Pit

We’re very fortunate in the Milwaukee Ballet Orchestra in that our pit is very spacious compared to many others that I have seen. We have three double door entrances which are usually available to us. Because our pit is wide and shallow, we do have to be careful when we enter, as the percussion and[…]

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Life in the Pit

In many regards the health concerns faced by pit players are the same as for all orchestral musicians. The most common complaints are overuse injuries. While nearly every musician faces this problem at some point in their career, for opera musicians in particular, as I intimated in my previous post, it is an ongoing struggle.[…]

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Life in the Pit

As an oboist, I sit far away from the edge of the stage, so I’m not in the line of fire of falling objects. I also have plenty of room to play. Depending on the size of the orchestra, I know that string players often have to shift around to give themselves enough room to[…]

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Life in the Pit

Playing in the pit can pose particular health challenges for musicians. Services can be extremely long (at least by symphonic standards), cramped conditions can create significant ergonomic issues, and noise levels can cause both hearing damage and stress. For Day 3, we’ve asked the panelists to discuss these and other health issues related to playing[…]

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Life in the Pit

Today’s topic is safety issues. The overriding safety issue in an orchestra pit is dangerous sound levels. Anyone who regularly works in a ballet orchestra pit and doesn’t use some sort hearing protection is asking for trouble down the road. Ear plugs are best, but sound shields, if properly used, can also be effective. Ideally,[…]

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Life in the Pit

Safety is always a concern in the orchestra pit. There are many issues and problems that arise while working in orchestra pits. One of the more dangerous things we go up against is the problem of props flying from the stage and into the pit. Usually it’s the flying coins that roll off the front[…]

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Life in the Pit

‘Plucky’ touches on a number of issues, not just H&S. The rank that musicians hold in opera and ballet companies (particularly the latter) is often less than prestigious. It’s not that unusual for the stage performers to have better facilities than the musicians but let’s face it – they’re the show that the audience is[…]

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Life in the Pit

I have been principal harpist with the Milwaukee Ballet Orchestra since 1983. I was in graduate school when I won the position. Little did I know that through the years I would serve the orchestra not only as harpist, but as union steward, ROPA delegate, and, at various times, as member of the orchestra committee,[…]

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Life in the Pit

Strangely, our biggest safety issues at the Ballet and Opera are actually getting into the pit. Because the Ballet’s pit was designed to be mobile, and is no longer, the only real entrance to it is below its current level. In place of that, there is a temporary plywood staircase on stage left, which is[…]

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Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit
Life in the Pit