Category - Miscellaneous

Trust the Power of the Young
Bringing the violin to a huge new demographic
Arts Entrepreneurship — Lack of Imagination, Lack of Chutzpah?
A Way to Move Forward
The Intertoobs can barely keep up with this story!
Backs to the wall
Progress in Detroit?
Not quite as much fun as the real thing, though
Still talking in Detroit
When Die Walküre meets Den Schneesturm

Trust the Power of the Young

Back in 2006 when I was being recruited by NEC I found myself being interviewed by countless people – faculty, Board members, staff, donors, community. You name it and I met them. At the time I was transitioning from a … Continue reading

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Bringing the violin to a huge new demographic

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Arts Entrepreneurship — Lack of Imagination, Lack of Chutzpah?

I will soon be teaching a new course called Arts Entrepreneurship here at Drexel.  I’ve been preparing for this on and off since last summer.  In addition to reviewing literature and current thinking on the topic I have been looking at offeri…

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A Way to Move Forward

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece about the DSO’s stalemate and many people have since asked me to share my ideas about a possible new model that might reverse current trends and create sustainability. But before I do … Continue reading

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The Intertoobs can barely keep up with this story!

According to Drew McManus at Adaptistration, DSO management is claiming that, contrary to the most recent Detroit News article, they have no plans to hire replacements or to invite striking musicians to cross the picket line and return to a “newly assembled group of players”: Today’s article in The Detroit News by Lawrence Johnson, “DSO:[…]

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Backs to the wall

It’s axiomatic in collective bargaining that negotiating committees have a moral obligation to lead, and that the key leadership act is recommending approval or rejection of a proposed settlement. It appears that the DSO negotiating committee took that lesson to heart: The negotiating committee of the striking Detroit Symphony Orchestra musicians recommended Thursday that its[…]

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Progress in Detroit?

Apparently. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra and its striking musicians continued to make slow-but-steady progress in indirect talks this morning and afternoon, according to DSO executive vice president Paul Hogle. “If we were not making progress,” Hogle said “we wouldn’t continue even with indirect talks. And we are absolutely willing to meet face to face when[…]

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Not quite as much fun as the real thing, though

A critic’s take on tantric orchestra musicianship.

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Still talking in Detroit

… which is good news. Where there is life talk, there is hope: The two sides in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra strike were in last-minute talks Friday evening trying to avert cancellation of the rest of the 2010-2011 season. The DSO board had earlier stipulated an agreement had to be in hand by 5 p.m.[…]

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When Die Walküre meets Den Schneesturm

…the blizzard wins. Here in Milwaukee we’re having the first day of rehearsals canceled for snow that I can remember. We had a run-out to Green Bay canceled due to snow a number of years ago, but given that traffic was moving at 25 mph on the freeway and Green Bay was 100 miles away,[…]

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