Category - Miscellaneous

Downsizing for stability?
The National Anthem
It’s 42!
A question to which I don't know the answer
Arts Entrepreneurship — Two Curricular Tracks
The Musician's Union: A Contrarian Point of View–Sort of
“Mr. Kreizsky, meet Mr. Woodsky”
Pushing Boundaries

Downsizing for stability?

The Syracuse Symphony board is giving up because it’s just too damned hard: Syracuse Symphony s board of trustees will file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, likely next week. Interim Executive Director Paul Brooks made the announcement Tuesday following a 2  hour SSO board meeting. Board chair Rocco Mangano, seated next to Brooks in a conference room[…]

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The National Anthem

This is a story I have been planning to tell for a long time. A tale of romance, passion, and great expectation and how this all crashed upon the rocks of government bureaucracy. But let’s start at the beginning. In … Continue reading

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It’s 42!

The extraordinary news from Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, that the 82-year-old librarian, Joseph Havashvilli of the city’s 380-year-old conservatory of music, had concealed for the last sixty years, Mozart’s Symphony No. 42, has amazed the music world. Musicologists have … Continue reading

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A question to which I don't know the answer

Playing an instrument well is really, really hard. Playing together with other people is not much easier. But playing the dynamics on the page is quite easy. So why do so many people in orchestras do so well at the first two and so badly at the last one?

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We all know the maxim “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” Well I believe this to be inaccurate.  The truism should be: “The road to Hell is paved with good ideas.” Because it is all those brilliant, … Continue reading

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I have always made it a policy not to miss an opportunity to hear great artists at the end of their careers. Interestingly, it was a young pianist years ago who crystallized for me the preciousness of artistry enriched by … Continue reading

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Arts Entrepreneurship — Two Curricular Tracks

So I’m in the final planning stages for my course in Arts Entrepreneurship (starts March 30), and I have come to the conclusion that I will teach and present materials and activities in 2 different tracks: those for the social entrepreneur, and those f…

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The Musician's Union: A Contrarian Point of View–Sort of

Here’s a blog posted on March 15, 2011 by Columbus Symphony bassoonist, Betsy Sturdevant on her blog.  In it she makes some interesting observations about unions in general, and the Musician’s Union in particular.  Good food for thought.  What do you think? Musician labor unions: the pros and the cons Labor unions formed in the[…]

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“Mr. Kreizsky, meet Mr. Woodsky”

Yakov Kreitzberg, the Russian-born, American-trained conductor was Music Director and Artistic Director of the Monte Carlo Philharmonic, Principal Guest Conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, and outgoing Chief Conductor and Artistic Advisor of the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and Netherlands Chamber … Continue reading

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Pushing Boundaries

“As far as boundaries are concerned, we are always looking for new ones.” * A little while back I attended a class by Hankus Netsky who heads up our Contemporary Improvisation Department. This is the department Gunther Schuller created in … Continue reading

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