Category - Websites

DigitICE: Opening Access, Historical Records, and Performance Practice through Documentation
Technology and the Orchestra

DigitICE: Opening Access, Historical Records, and Performance Practice through Documentation

By nature, a composer’s work exists outside the bounds of human time. Works are remembered for centuries and, eventually, millennia, but the feedback loop varies greatly; it often takes years or generations for a composer’s work to receive deserved recognition. For performers, the feedback loop is immediate—sometimes rewarding, sometimes disappointing, always providing an opportunity for[…]

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Technology and the Orchestra

Symphony magazine featured an interesting article about how digital technologies are impacting orchestras. Written by Andy Doe, a media and technology consultant who writes about music at his blog,, “The Digital Orchestra” takes us from 1994, when the New Zealand Symphony’s principal bassist Dale Gold put up a simple website, to our world of ever-increasing mobile[…]

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