
What's Detroit about?

Anne Midgette writes (or, more fairly, implies) in the Washington Post that the Detroit negotiations center on …a proposal that involves not only a hefty salary cut, but a formal redefinition of the job of an orchestral musician, making outreach, teaching, and chamber concerts a part of the deal. As Stryker points out, most musicians[…]

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And now for something completely different…

The bad news arrived on such a regular basis this summer that it was a shock to see two bits of very good news arrive last week with a day or so. The first item was news of a startlingly successful fundraising campaign by the board of the New Jersey Symphony. The NJSO is an[…]

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Internal disconnects

Orchestras are different in lots of ways from most institutions in our society. But there are commonalities. One was brought home to me today when I read a blog post by a UC Berkeley prof on the tension between academics and university administrators: …university administrators and ordinary academics have totally different ideas of what counts[…]

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Another take on gender discrimination

Strings magazine has an article on gender discrimination in its most recent issue that’s worth a look. While the writer, Rory Williams, focuses on the ongoing saga of how many women have really been hired by the Vienna Philharmonic, there is also quite a bit on the situation in the US as well: The latest[…]

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Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln…

… how was your summer? While not as bad as Mrs. Lincoln’s, the summer was a downer for the orchestra industry. I’ve long suspected that orchestras were trailing indicators for the health of the economy as a whole, which is to say that orchestras get sicker and get well later in an economic downturn than[…]

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Daddy, what's an 8(d) notice?

The short answer is that it’s something that’s about to bite the Detroit Symphony management very hard. The long answer follows after the jump.

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Bloggers On Vacation

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Let the Music Do the Talking

By Ashley Garofalo I recently encountered an article by Andrew Dubber of Birmingham City University addressing a fundamental approach to marketing music in today’s industry.  He calls it, “Hear/Like/Buy.” It’s the way of the world for music media consumption these days.  Those in the market to buy are seeking music which they can add to[…]

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Opening Up The Flood Gates

This week I wrote a transcription of Saint-Saëns’ “The Swan” for tenor saxophone and piano.   After finishing the piece, I turned to YouTube to listen to various interpretations of the work.   I listened to a few cello & piano versions and then moved on to a couple of solo piano recordings, including one of Rachmaninoff[…]

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Polyphonic On Campus: Coming This Fall

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What's Detroit about?
And now for something completely different…
Internal disconnects
Another take on gender discrimination
Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln…
Daddy, what's an 8(d) notice?
Bloggers On Vacation
Let the Music Do the Talking
Opening Up The Flood Gates
Polyphonic On Campus: Coming This Fall