
Arts Entrepreneurship Class — Student Project

I plan to publish some of my class student projects: those that lend themselves to posting, i.e. a PowerPoint that provides complete or almost-complete information, or a paper that expresses a complete idea or process.
This first one is the work of Mel…

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The Savvy Music Teacher Scavenger Hunt

Attention music teachers!!!
On Saturday, May 21 2011, I am hosting a Facebook event sponsored by the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP), focusing on issues relevant to private music teachers.  Please feel free to join in on the conversati…

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Orchestras Part V

I had originally contemplated writing just the four previous posts on orchestra models. But given the currency of this topic both here and abroad, I felt it obligatory to summarize and reiterate some of my points. I also wanted to … Continue reading

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Blog Salon — Organizational Design

Check out this Blog Salon — yours truly is a contributor. 
Looking Ahead to the Future of Nonprofit ModelsARTSblog is bringing together a progressive group of thinkers to further the discussion on changes in the nonprofit model. Throughout the w…

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Ever since I arrived in the U.S. in the 1990’s, I have been a subscriber to The New Yorker, which, at its best, is one of the most fascinating reads of the week. The magazine has been the vehicle for … Continue reading

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What a crisis looks like

Anne Midgette at the Washington Post points us to a country where the orchestra industry is shedding jobs at a pace über alles: According to the book  Musical Life in Germany,  an informational publication put out by the German Music Information Center (MIZ) that just landed on my desk, there were 168 publicly financed[…]

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A cautionary fable

One fine day, a sailboat (not the M/V Minnow, although their experience was relevant) set sail from port with its trusty crew for a nice sustainable sail across the ocean. The weather was beautiful. As the crew gained confidence in their ship and the conditions, they raised more sail until their trusty S/V AmericanOrchestra was[…]

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A crisis of analysis

Tony Woodcock gave us a classic example of the “dinosaurs falling from the sky” genre of industry analysis on this blog last week. Before I try to dismantle his analysis, I should say that I don’t think he’s entirely wrong. Certainly the field has faced an unprecedented challenge since the beginning of recession in 2008.[…]

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Arts Entrepreneurship Class Progress

–following up on my promise to keep interested readers up-to-date on my class, Arts Entrepreneurship.  Recall that I posed 2 major assignments.  The first of these was to identify an existing arts organization, study it deeply, then pose one…

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Arts Entrepreneurship Class — Student Project
Powerhouse Website Suggestions
The Savvy Music Teacher Scavenger Hunt
Orchestras Part V
Blog Salon — Organizational Design
What a crisis looks like
A cautionary fable
A crisis of analysis
Arts Entrepreneurship Class Progress