
League Conference: Plenary Session Speeches, Part 2

Deborah Borda, President and CEO, Los Angeles Philharmonic, was the third speaker at the June 7th plenary session. She presented an interesting view of technology and innovation in her remarks titled “Toto, We’re Not in Leipzig Anymore.” First she explored the importance of innovation and being able to identify which innovations are important. In 1879,[…]

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What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – Brand Image Associations

It’s important to understand image.  Your brand exudes a certain image and is made up of the following: Tangibles & Intangibles[i] Tangible—Can you play accurately?  Do you show up on time?  Are you a good sight-reader? Intangible—Do you have a beautiful sound?  Are you musical?  Do you make the notes come alive?  Do you add […]

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Guest Bloggers: A conversation with Dr. Tom Wolf

“Many financial approaches have been tried over the past 50 years to improve the financial condition of orchestras. Yet, the industry as a whole appears to be in the worst shape it has ever been in…If orchestras are to assume … Continue reading

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What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – It's All about Connection

Here is the third installment in this series of blogs that discuss the musician as a brand.  If you are new you can catch up quickly by reading the two previous posts. You’ve probably heard the cliché, “To get ahead it’s not how you play, but who you know.”  Certainly having connections or a network […]

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League Conference: Plenary Session Speeches, Part 1

The opening Plenary Session on June 7 presented three speakers discussing “Creating an Environment for Innovation.” Larry A. Wendling,  Ph.D., VP of the Corporate Research Laboratory at the 3M Center in Minneapolis opened the session with a historical video of the evolution of 3M from a failed mining company to a highly successful, large multi-national[…]

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Enabling Arts Entrepreneurs

I recently gave a talk at the National Orchestral Institute at the University of Maryland in College Park.  My topic focused on those skills that orchestral musicians will need (now need!) in order to succeed and thrive in the future.  I am s…

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Guest Bloggers: Colin Thurmond and Rich Chwastiak

AcousticaElectronica AcousticaElectronica. Quite a mouthful to say, but then again – quite an idea. The concept of the show was simple. Blend the virtuosity found in the classical concert hall with the energy of the late-night dance club.   The show … Continue reading

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What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – What Is Your Brand?

What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One—What Is Your Brand? The last blog gave a few definitions to work with. Now think about your brand. And it isn’t just about your playing, but we can start with that. What do people think of when they think of you? Make a list and […]

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Jesse Rosen's "Red Alert" Speech at Conference

The Plenary Session on Wednesday morning, June 8, was titled Red Alert and began with a most interesting address by Jesse Rosen, President and CEO of the League. Below are highlights from Jesse’s speech; his speech will be published separately as an article. You can watch a video of the entire plenary session by clicking[…]

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When Bruce Willis meets Richard Wagner

Heard on a small Indiana public radio station: Next, we’ll hear the overture to “Die, Meistersinger!” by Richard Wagner.

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League Conference: Plenary Session Speeches, Part 2
What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – Brand Image Associations
Guest Bloggers: A conversation with Dr. Tom Wolf
What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – It's All about Connection
League Conference: Plenary Session Speeches, Part 1
Enabling Arts Entrepreneurs
Guest Bloggers: Colin Thurmond and Rich Chwastiak
What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – What Is Your Brand?
Jesse Rosen's "Red Alert" Speech at Conference
When Bruce Willis meets Richard Wagner