
Leadership, Entrepreneurship, What’s the Difference?

I’m often asked the question, so what’s the difference between leadership and entrepreneurship?  
On face value, a pretty simple question to answer, but when put in the arts world and higher education contexts, pretty complex.
Leadership impl…

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Put things in your ears you should

… at least according to the BBC: The BBC has published a report warning the musicians in its five orchestras that they are at risk from damaging their hearing. The 48-page report, written by the BBC’s safety manager, includes a number of recommendations for players who want to protect themselves against noise while rehearsing or performing.[…]

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A conversation with Roland Valliere of the Columbus Symphony

Outsourcing Orchestra Administration: The Columbus Symphony Turns Crisis into Opportunity When Roland Valliere, NEC Class of 1978 percussion performance, took over the Columbus Symphony in August 2009, the orchestra was on the brink of collapse. There had been a bitter work … Continue reading

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What a difference a week makes

Last week, the Kentucky Opera seemed very interested in having an orchestra in the pit for its upcoming production of Carmen: The opera’s general director, David Roth, said opera administration is talking with the local branch of the musicians union, American Federation of Musicians Local 11-637, so that it can contract its members to perform[…]

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Building Your Portfolio Career Part 1: Imagining the Mix

Portfolio career is the term used to describe a professional path involving multiple streams of income. This profile is commonly adopted by artists of all stripes. I, for one, have developed a portfolio career, and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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An unusual source for replacement workers

It’s not surprising, in the wake of the Louisville Orchestra management’s cancellation of most orchestral activities scheduled for September and October, that the Kentucky Opera, which uses the Louisville Orchestra, would be looking for musicians to replace LO musicians. Their choice of partner, on the other hand, is straight from the Twilight Zone: The opera’s[…]

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Louisville CEO surprised that AFM will support picket line

…or so yesterday’s article in the Louisville Courier-Journal would suggest: The Louisville Orchestra has cancelled its September and October concerts because of the ongoing contract dispute with musicians, particularly their New York-based union’s threat to fine those who show up for work. “While we believe that local musicians wish to perform, the musicians’ bargaining unit[…]

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Louisville management arms Tsar Bomba

The largest man-made explosion in history occurred on October 31, 1961, when a Soviet bomber dropped a thermonuclear device yielding 50 or so megatons on the Mitysushika Bay testing range in the Soviet Artic. The device, known as Tsar Bomba, was actually capable of twice that power. The fireball and blast wave could be seen[…]

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Reason not the need

The Armory in NYC (on Park and 66th) was new to me.  It’s an imposing if ugly building with unimaginative use of brickwork and little sense of outward style… it’s an Armory.  Inside it’s huge and cavernous with dark wood … Continue reading

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Leadership, Entrepreneurship, What’s the Difference?
Put things in your ears you should
A conversation with Roland Valliere of the Columbus Symphony
American Orchestras: Endangered Species?
What a difference a week makes
Building Your Portfolio Career Part 1: Imagining the Mix
An unusual source for replacement workers
Louisville CEO surprised that AFM will support picket line
Louisville management arms Tsar Bomba
Reason not the need