
How to Be Successful Using Great Communication Skills

Storytelling is an essential part of every culture. People are always eager to hear or relate a story whether from a book, a film, a play, a remembrance from childhood or a recent vacation.

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Looking for Perfection in an Imperfect Process

We recognize that the use of beta-blockers by musicians is a serious and controversial topic.  Nonetheless, we feel it is better to discuss it than to pretend that it doesn’t exist.  We neither condone or condemn the use of beta-blockers, but wish to have an objective discussion about its use.  Feel free to join the[…]

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Technology and the Orchestra

Symphony magazine featured an interesting article about how digital technologies are impacting orchestras. Written by Andy Doe, a media and technology consultant who writes about music at his blog,, “The Digital Orchestra” takes us from 1994, when the New Zealand Symphony’s principal bassist Dale Gold put up a simple website, to our world of ever-increasing mobile[…]

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Art and Music Are Professions Worth Fighting for

Nearly ten months ago now, recording artist, producer, and label owner Blake Morgan, posted “My New Year’s resolution is to stand up and speak out more,”  in the Huffington Post, (12/18/13). Several points he made in the article really resonated with me, especially this one, “And yet I’ve never heard of anyone who’s been successful[…]

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Tinnitus: When There’s Humming in Your Head and It Won’t Go Away

Here’s an interesting article from the International Musician, the monthly official journal of the American Federation of Musicians, (A.K.A. the union). We’re in a profession that subjects us to loud noises and one of the consequences is the possibility of developing Tinnitus. I happen to have it. For me there is a hissing sound, (I[…]

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It’s A Pitch

This post first appeared in Symposium, the journal of the College Music Society.  It is reprinted here with permission. I’ve had two careers in my lifetime: as a symphony orchestra clarinetist and as a technology executive. One of the advantages these dual careers have given me has been the ability to apply my business experiences[…]

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New Classical Music Blog by Steve Metcalf

I’d like to call your attention to a new weekly blog post by a renowned name in classical music writing. Steve Metcalf, former music critic of the Hartford Courant and curator of the Richard P. Garmany Chamber Music Series at The Hartt School, has started writing a weekly blog on classical music for Hartford’s local NPR station,[…]

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Be An Entrepreneur! Get Outside Your Comfort Zone!

How many times have we musicians heard those phrases? Do they mean that we should try to be like Janice Martin, the violinist who plays while hanging upside down?  My most recent experience is not quite that dramatic….. “What time is the lunch break?”  I asked the stage manager, knowing that he was the one[…]

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The Baton and the Jackboot – Then and Now

Berta Geissmar was a doctor of philosophy, a musician, and an author. The poignant image she creates of Germany before National Socialism is one where culture and, in particular music, was absolutely at the forefront of life.

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Job Posting: Director of the Institute for Music Leadership

The Eastman School of Music invites applications for the position of Director of the Institute for Music Leadership, a senior leadership position reporting to the Dean. Eastman is recognized nationally and internationally for the quality, breadth, and intensity of its music education and for the unique emphasis on artistry, scholarship, teaching, and leadership. The Institute for Music Leadership serves as the hub of entrepreneurial activities at Eastman; it currently houses five divisions:

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How to Be Successful Using Great Communication Skills
Looking for Perfection in an Imperfect Process
Technology and the Orchestra
Art and Music Are Professions Worth Fighting for
Tinnitus: When There’s Humming in Your Head and It Won’t Go Away
It’s A Pitch
New Classical Music Blog by Steve Metcalf
Be An Entrepreneur! Get Outside Your Comfort Zone!
The Baton and the Jackboot – Then and Now
Job Posting: Director of the Institute for Music Leadership