Orientations: Collected Writings
Boulez, Pierre and Jean-Jacques Nattiez (Editor) and Martin Cooper (Translator)
Harvard University Press: 1990
Keywords: contemporary music, aesthetics, essay
Boulez, Pierre and Jean-Jacques Nattiez (Editor) and Martin Cooper (Translator)
Harvard University Press: 1990
Keywords: contemporary music, aesthetics, essay
Allmendinger, Jutta, and Richard Hackman
European Conference of Symphony Orchestras 80: 1990
Keywords: comparisons, orchestra, women
Schweitzer, Marsha
Senza Sordino: 1990
Keywords: associations, orchestras
Buckley, Brad
Senza Sordino: 1990
Keywords: AFM
Buckley, Brad
Senza Sordino: 1990
Keywords: unions, orchestras
Roehl, William E
Senza Sordino: 1990
Keywords: Roehl, AFM, conferences
Rich, Alan
Symphony Magazine: 1990
Torch, Deborah
Senza Sordino: 1990
Keywords: National, Symphony, Soviet Union
Bargreen, Melinda
Symphony Magazine: 1990
Keywords: settlement, orchestra, secession
Senza Sordino: 1990
Keywords: ICSOM, settlement