Back in 1987, when a Denver Symphony (now defunct) staff member rudely informed a school principal whose students had raised money for the orchestra that the kids couldn’t attend a rehearsal, Eric Bertoluzzi, cellist with the then Denver/now Colorado Symphony, saw an opportunity. He established Up Front and Musical, an organization that enables Colorado Symphony musicians to present in-school performances to Denver-area students.
Yvonne Caruthers, NSO cellist, interviewed Eric to find out all the details of his remarkably successful program, which presents more than 120 concerts a year to over 20,000 students. UCAM rotates 40-50 members of the Colorado Symphony through their programs, and Eric describes how his colleagues “blossom” as they learn to speak to the kids. They even made a CD in 1997, which they use to promote the groups. Eric discusses the funding he’s found for the group, the type of music they play, and offers his advice to other symphony musicians eager to put together first-class concerts for school children.
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