Czech American Summer Music Institute

The CASMI International Summer Program was conceived as an intensive study in composition in Prague, a city of unique musical history and architectural beauty. During their stay in Prague, the participants are encouraged to compose a piece, review their compositions, and discuss various aspects of the creative compositional process.

Admission is open to persons currently enrolled at or graduated from conservatories, colleges and universities. Enrollment is limited to 12 participants. Professor Ladislav Kubik will give seven master classes and four individual lessons to each participant. He will also coach performances of the participants’ works to be presented at public concerts.

Practice studios will be provided to enable continuous daily work. The concerts of the CASMI Program participants will be presented in the Concert Hall of the Antonin Dvorak Museum.

The participants will enjoy a sight-seeing tour of Prague, visits to museums and galleries, a bus trip to the castles Karlstejn and Krivoklat in Central Bohemia, and a boat trip on the Moldau River.

Double-room accommodation at the Kajetanka Dormitory of Charles University is included in the program cost, as well as three meals per day. Single-room accommodations will be available for an additional fee.

About the author

Russell Rybicki
Russell Rybicki