Göteborg International Organ Academy

The Göteborg International Organ Academy is a festival, organized by the Göteborg International Organ Academy Association in cooperation with the City of Göteborg and GOArt and the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg. It was created in 1994 to provide a meeting place for everyone interested in the art of the organ to gather together to share and collect new knowledge, to find artistic inspiration and to enjoy great performances on the many instruments in Göteborg. The Academy is unique in bringing together students, teachers, instrument builders, scholars, performers and friends of the organ art to offer them an international forum for dialog and discussion within an inspiring and exciting Scandinavian environment.

The academy builds on the interdisciplinary research that has been carried out within GOArt’s various research and instrument building projects since 1995, and provides a program that integrates current research at GOArt, the Academy of Music and Drama, and the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at the University of Gothenburg.

The Academy has a broad organ and related keyboard instrument collection at its disposal, the highlight of which is the four-manual North German Baroque Organ in meantone temperament, built by GOArt within an interdisciplinary organ research program, but a number of other fine instruments have been added to Göteborg’s organ landscape. 2011 marks the tenth Göteborg International Organ Academy.


About the author

Russell Rybicki
Russell Rybicki