Archive - 2011

Pushing Boundaries
Questions? Answers.
Arts Entrepreneurship — Third Dimension
Community outreach – ideas for guidelines
Trust the Power of the Young
Orchestras and the union movement
Make Friends – Your Peers Are Your Best Resource
The worst is yet to come
Bringing the violin to a huge new demographic
Arts Entrepreneurship — Lack of Imagination, Lack of Chutzpah?

Pushing Boundaries

“As far as boundaries are concerned, we are always looking for new ones.” * A little while back I attended a class by Hankus Netsky who heads up our Contemporary Improvisation Department. This is the department Gunther Schuller created in … Continue reading

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Questions? Answers.

Back in January, I posted a blog about Musical America’s exciting new partnership with Edna Landau – “Ask Edna.”  Since starting her new blog, Edna has addressed some excellent career-related questions by young musicians, and she has provided some insightful guidance and ideas to consider.  Recently, I figured I would throw a question into the[…]

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Arts Entrepreneurship — Third Dimension

After digesting the many superb responses, both published here and private, to last week’s blog entry, I spent a lot of time pondering what is really bothering me about the arts entrepreneurship “movement.”  I realized that I have been hoping for …

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Community outreach – ideas for guidelines

It appears that a big reason that the Detroit Symphony potential settlement fell apart was a dispute over $2 million for community outreach. I am sure there is more to it than that but if there is still a spark of hope embedded in that concept it is worth taking a closer look. The term[…]

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Trust the Power of the Young

Back in 2006 when I was being recruited by NEC I found myself being interviewed by countless people – faculty, Board members, staff, donors, community. You name it and I met them. At the time I was transitioning from a … Continue reading

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Orchestras and the union movement

Milwaukee is not quite equidistant from Madison and Detroit, but it does sit precisely on the line between them that a crow (or a Boeing) would fly. So it’s fitting that events in Detroit and Madison resonate so loudly with this member of the Milwaukee Symphony – an orchestra in the Rust Belt that’s had[…]

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Make Friends – Your Peers Are Your Best Resource

Think about it. It’s only human nature to recommend a friend for a job. Putting aside the fact that if you recommend him or her, he or she may reciprocate one day, it just feels good to help out a friend, provided they are a good fit for the job. Even though music is a […]

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The worst is yet to come

If you think that the Detroit Symphony labor dispute has been hard to watch, steel yourselves because the worst is yet to come. If the parties can’t find their way to a settlement in very short order, it will be even harder to watch the orchestra disintegrate. The recent “farewell” posting by the entire DSO[…]

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Bringing the violin to a huge new demographic

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Arts Entrepreneurship — Lack of Imagination, Lack of Chutzpah?

I will soon be teaching a new course called Arts Entrepreneurship here at Drexel.  I’ve been preparing for this on and off since last summer.  In addition to reviewing literature and current thinking on the topic I have been looking at offeri…

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