Archive - August 23, 2011

Louisville management arms Tsar Bomba
Reason not the need
Reason not the need

Louisville management arms Tsar Bomba

The largest man-made explosion in history occurred on October 31, 1961, when a Soviet bomber dropped a thermonuclear device yielding 50 or so megatons on the Mitysushika Bay testing range in the Soviet Artic. The device, known as Tsar Bomba, was actually capable of twice that power. The fireball and blast wave could be seen[…]

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Reason not the need

The Armory in NYC (on Park and 66th) was new to me.  It’s an imposing if ugly building with unimaginative use of brickwork and little sense of outward style… it’s an Armory.  Inside it’s huge and cavernous with dark wood … Continue reading

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Reason not the need

The Armory in NYC (on Park and 66th) was new to me.  It’s an imposing if ugly building with unimaginative use of brickwork and little sense of outward style… it’s an Armory.  Inside it’s huge and cavernous with dark wood paneling and creaky floors. Inside the Armory Then there is the Drill Hall which is[…]

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