Eastman’s vibrant Humanities Department offers students a broad range of intellectually stimulating courses in languages, history and politics, art, and other academic disciplines, and provides students with thorough knowledge of texts and ideas, skills in critical analysis, and tools for clear expression.
About Our Program
Languages of the Repertoire
French at Eastman
French is an important language in world history, and remains vital in all aspects of contemporary arts and business.
Learn more about French at Eastman
German at Eastman
German is spoken by 120 million people and is of particular importance for music students, who can study German language, lyric diction, and literature/culture.
Learn more about German at Eastman
Italian at Eastman
Italian is the original language of opera and essential for singers; along with studies in Italian language, diction, we offer a comprehensive program of courses in Italian literature, cinema, and culture.
Writing and Speaking Skills
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
The goal of Eastman’s EAP (English for Academic Purposes) program is to help students be full and confident participants in the Eastman community though study of the core language skill areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Subjects that are related to music are given special attention.
First Year Writing Seminar
The First-Year Writing Seminar (FWS) introduces entering Eastman students to college-level inquiry by focusing on critical thinking and academic writing. Students will develop, test, and refine their analytical and argumentative skills by means of discussion, debate, response papers, and three essays of 5-7 pages. No matter which section you take, this course will help you learn to frame compelling questions, integrate various kinds of sources, and set forth complex ideas in clear, concise, and lively prose. Its aim is to improve a skill on which you will draw throughout your careers.
The undergraduate curriculum in humanities consists of 24 credit hours (six four-credit courses, including a First Year Writing Seminar). Students will learn about other languages and cultures, how to analyze art works and place them into conversation with music, and the social, political, and cultural contexts in which the arts are produced and received.
First Year Writing Seminar
Languages of the Repertoire
Humanities Electives
Department Chair

Glenn Mackin
More than ever, musicians need to be articulate, forceful, and knowledgeable advocates for their work and art. Since Eastman’s inception, our school has trained not only outstanding musicians but complete and well-rounded ones. Eastman’s humanities faculty looks forward to enhancing your musical education with our courses in literature, art history, languages, and social sciences!
Glenn Mackin
Chair, Humanities Department
Quick Links
Department Office
Dallas Oestara
Emeritus Faculty
Bachelors of Music Degree (BM)
The Eastman School expects all of its students to explore a diverse range of academic disciplines, develop strong intellectual perspectives, and be able to voice these convincingly. The Humanities Department fosters curiosity and engages students in the study of literature, languages, film, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and art history. In these courses students read widely, think critically, and learn to write effectively. Our department’s courses enable students to reflect intelligently on their place in contemporary culture, and prepare them to assume roles of principled cultural leadership.
The Humanities and Sciences Requirement has two components:
First-year Writing Seminar (FWS)
The First-year Writing Seminar is a “core” course, required of all students.
Introduces first-semester students to college-level inquiry and analysis by focusing on critical thinking and academic writing. In individual sections, the discussion of literary, historical, philosophical, or art historical topics will serve as the basis for writing assignments. Students will work closely with their instructors, peers, and the Eastman Writing Center to produce work of increasing complexity. Students should consult the descriptions of the individual sections before registering.
Humanities electives
All students are required to take a minimum of 21 additional credits. Elective courses must carry at least three credits each, and may be taken either in the Eastman Humanities Department or School of Arts & Sciences. Transfer-credits from other colleges and universities must be approved by the Humanities chair or the Office of Academic Affairs.