Thank you, Mr. Williams!

A big thank you to Eastman horn alumnus Horace Robert Williams [MM ’57] for his generous gifts to the ESM Horn Studio, which include a Seraphinoff natural horn, an Alexander triple horn, a Vienna horn, a Kruspe double horn, a didgeridoo, a Tibetan horn, numerous books, mouthpieces, and a copy of his wife’s thesis on the Vienna horn. We were so delighted to meet him in person in April when he returned to Eastman for a visit.

Eastman Horn Studio 2015 with Professor Kurau and Mr. Williams

Eastman Horn Studio 2015 with Professor Kurau and Mr. Williams


Thea Humphries, Rennie Cotner, Rebekah Lorenz, and Abby Black with Mr. Williams after the natural horn recital


Kara Miller and Emily Buehler take turns playing the Tibetan horn while another hornist in the background tries the Alexander triple horn


Rebekah Lorenz tries out the Vienna horn while Mr. Williams observes

Rebekah Lorenz talks with Mr. Williams while trying out the Alexander triple horn

Rebekah Lorenz talks with Mr. Williams while trying out the Alexander triple horn

We look forward to using these horns for years to come. Thank you, Mr. Williams!