Admissions – Legacy Category

Applying to Eastman: Insider Tips

The December 1st Eastman application deadline is coming up soon! Here are some insider tips from an admissions counselor to help you avoid common problems: Read the instructions first. The importance of this step can’t be overstated.  Every school you are applying to will have its own unique requirements, and you must read the instructions…

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Summer Plans & Internships

The following guest post was written by current Eastman student Mary Russek.  Thanks Mary! ************************************* Wow, another year at Eastman…check! In this post I’d like to share with you my summer plans. I’ll also let you in on a little secret that many students don’t know: summer is a fantastic time to be in Rochester!…

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Apartment Search Advice for New Grad Students

The following post was also written by guest poster Amy Skjerseth, who is a recent alumna and has done her share of apartment searching.  Thanks for sharing, Amy! ************ So you’ll be attending Eastman for graduate school in the fall—congratulations!—and you are wondering about finding an apartment in Rochester. As a recent undergraduate alumna of…

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Preparing for your audition – part 2

We previously posted some ideas on preparing for your auditions.  Here are some more suggestions to help you get ready for a great audition. Use visualization & mental rehearsal.  Creating positive mental images of an event like an audition can be a powerful preparation technique.  Imagine yourself walking into the audition room, greeting those who will hear…

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Preparing for Your Audition

Auditions at Eastman are fast approaching.  You may be waiting to hear whether you will be invited for auditions, or waiting for confirmation of your audition date.  The Eastman Admissions Office will notify applicants of this information by email no less than three weeks before the preferred audition date listed on your application – sooner…

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