Faculty members may be called upon to assist students needing support in various areas. There are numerous resources available to students. Please find helpful references below.
Academic Support
Resources consist of advising services, study skills counseling, writing assistance and tutoring services. Questions about these services should be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs. Detailed information about these opportunities is available on their website.
Disability Accommodations/ ADA
At the beginning of each semester, you will receive a letter from the Access Coordinator for each student receiving accommodations. This letter will verify that the student has a documented disability and explain the accommodations he or she will need in order to succeed. It is between the student and the professor, however, to decide how such services are rendered and to contact the Access Coordinator if assistance is needed. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to share in confidence information about accommodations and the existence of a disability with the TA or other professional staff who need to know in order to provide services.
Faculty are encouraged to include the following statement on all course syllabi:
Additional information on policies and resources can be found on the Office of Academic Affairs website.
Health and Wellness
LIVE. GROW. THRIVE. at Eastman
All full-time students (undergraduate and graduate) are eligible to mental health/counseling sessions as a part of their mandatory student health fee. The Counseling Center offers a time-limited therapy model. Therapists will negotiate a time-limited contract with patients that will define the nature and duration of their visits. Appointments may be scheduled on Eastman’s campus (at the Student Living Center) or on the River Campus. To make an appointment, students should telephone the University Counseling Center at 275-3113. Faculty who are concerned about the mental health of a student should contact the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs (#4-1250) for advice or the University Counseling Center (24 hrs./day) at 275-3113.
Students, faculty, instructors, and staff are encouraged to submit a referral to the CARE Network if they believe that a student is in distress, witness discrimination on campus, or have a general concern. Making a referral initiates a review process and/or coordinated response involving the appropriate individuals, staff, and offices.
Revised, September 2017