Audio-Visual Classroom Equipment Cabinet Keys
The majority of classrooms at Eastman are equipped with Internet access, cassette deck, CD player, turntable, DVD/VCR, monitor and display, either projector/screen or TV. Most equipment is stored in locked cabinets. If you need access to the cabinet in your classroom, please go to your department assistant for keys. Also available to faculty, is a TV/VCR cart for use in classrooms without permanently mounted equipment. You may use the resources on the Technology and Media Production webpage to see other available tools and resources. Call x4-1130 or complete and submit the proper request form to make arrangements for use.
If you would like to show a video outside of your regular classroom hours, ask your department assistant to book a room and contact the Technology and Media Production office. Please be sure to provide adequate lead-time (at least one week advance notice) for room reservation and equipment set-up. Please also use the above contact details if you would like to request an AV training session in any of the rooms.
Classroom and Studio Keys
All requests for keys to classrooms or studios must be made with the departmental assistant. Some departments keep keys on hand and others return them to Facilities. Please ask the department assistant to place a service request through the University of Rochester Facilities Customer Service Center at x3-4567 for additional key requests.
Mailbox Keys
New faculty will be assigned and notified of their mailboxes by the Information Window.
Stereo Equipment Keys
#1200 keys are available from department assistants.
Revised, August 2016