Registration Now Open!
Registration Type:
Full access includes conference materials, Fall Opera and Classics with a Twist admissions and receptions
- Conference Full Access – $300
- U of R/Eastman Alumni Full Access – $250
- U of R/Eastman Faculty/Staff/Student – $0 (does not include admission to the Eastman Fall Opera and Classics with a Twist)
- Conference Presenter/Performer Full Access Registration – $150
Group registration is available for 5 or more participants from the same organization. To access the group rate, please email gwc@esm.rochester.edu.
Conference Registration for Eastman Faculty, Staff, Students and Emeriti is free. This registration does NOT include admission to the Eastman Opera Theatre performance or the Classics with a Twist concert and reception. Those tickets will become available for individual purchase at a later date. Notification will be sent once that purchase option becomes available.