Tuition, Discounts & Scholarships

Registration Fees

A nonrefundable registration fee of $15 per semester will be charged to all students on the first bill of Fall and Spring semesters, except those in Bridges and Early Childhood Music classes. These fees help to offset the cost of security and ID cards, concert recording and live-streaming, and accompanist services.

Lesson Tuition

For complete lesson descriptions, see Lessons.

Summer 2025

(per 8-week summer session)

Lesson Length

Instructor Tuition

Intern Tuition

30-min weekly
$322 $231
45-min weekly
$476 $335
60-min weekly
$596 $416


2024-25 School Year

(per 16-week semester)

Lesson Length

Instructor Tuition

Intern Tuition

30-min weekly
$613 $440
45-min weekly
$907 $638
60-min weekly
$1,136 $792


Course Tuition for Group Classes & Ensembles

Specific tuition levels for classes and ensembles are listed in each individual course description. The tuition amount is a per semester rate, reassessed each semester.

Tuition A

$160 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition B

$240 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition C

$320 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition D

$350 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition E

$505 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition F

$640 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition G

$275 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition H

$227 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition I

$193 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Tuition J

$131 per semester, subject to discounts listed below

Discount Program

ECMS is proud to offer a full breadth and depth of course offerings, which comprise a complete musical education. This variety is the Eastman Advantage, which we support through our Diploma Program and through course discounts for students enrolled in private lessons:

  • Any single class or ensemble is 10% off with concurrent registration in a full semester of individual lessons.
  • Two or more full semester classes or ensembles are 15% off with concurrent enrollment in a full semester of individual lessons.


NEW for 2024-25:
Students enrolled in a full semester of individual lessons are eligible for FREE tuition in the following courses: 

Music Theory and Aural Skills 1
Eastman Youth Chamber Singers*
Eastman Youth Jazz Orchestra*

* by audition

Additional Discounts

For multiple students residing in the same household, ECMS will waive registration fees for the second and subsequent student(s). Students must indicate family members’ names on the registration form or, send an email to

University of Rochester employees and their dependent children may be eligible to receive a 25% tuition waiver off ECMS tuition. Tuition waivers are good for one year from July 1-June 30, and must be renewed annually. For complete details, please consult the University of Rochester Benefits webpage. The Benefits office makes all determinations regarding eligibility.

Elementary musicianship classes are free for Eastman Young Children’s Chorus and Eastman Children’s Chorus members in grades 2-8. These classes are conveniently scheduled back-to-back, with teachers leading students between the classes on the “chorus train.” Students in Children’s Chorus who complete all levels of Elementary Musicianship may go on to take Fundamental Musicianship or Theory & Aural Skills 1 free of charge.


  • Those registered in a core ensemble receive a 25% discount on all other New Horizons Ensembles. Core ensembles include Green Band, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra, String Orchestra, Chorus, Big Band, and Jazz Ensemble.
  • Those registered in Symphonic Band or String Orchestra receive 50% off Symphony Orchestra.
  • New Horizons tuition is FREE for those who are 90 or older.
  • Snowbird Policy: New Horizons members who are gone four or more consecutive months during the winter are asked to notify the ECMS office by December, and they will be billed for the fall semester only. All are welcome to attend rehearsals for the balance of the school year at no additional charge when they return. Click here for complete policy details.


The Eastman Community Music School is fortunate to be able to offer scholarships taking into account both merit and need. The school has named scholarships, which are targeted to specific instruments or voice as well as a general scholarship fund open to all students.

Teacher-nominated Merit Scholarships

Current students who excel in their study at ECMS may receive a Merit Scholarship at ECMS graduation for study the following school year. Recipients are chosen from those recommended by their ECMS teachers. No application is needed.  

Graduation 2014 (10) croppedNeed-based and Merit Scholarships

Financial assistance for regular academic year study is available to ECMS students for lessons, classes and ensembles. Preference is given to those students enrolled in a diploma program.

Assistance is awarded on the combined basis of financial need (determined by review of page 1 of federal income tax return) and merit (demonstrated musical achievement or potential).

Applications are accepted on a continuing basis throughout the year, but awards are determined only two times each year based on the following deadlines: August 1 (consideration for the coming school year) and December 1 (consideration for the spring semester). Requests will be considered after December 1, if funds remain.

A full application consists of


Eastman-Pathways Scholarship

We are fortunate to have a scholarship program targeted to students in the Rochester City School District called the Eastman-Pathways Scholarship.  The Eastman-Pathways scholarship is a collaborative program with the Rochester City School District which enables approximately 70 students to attend Eastman for applied and classroom studies.


Boehmler Scholarship

We are also fortunate to have a scholarship targeted to students in Wayne County called the Boehmler Scholarship. Students from Sodus, Lyons and Pal-Mac School Districts are selected by their public school teachers.  Scholarship awards may be used for any lessons, classes or ensembles at ECMS.


Through the continued generosity and caring of our friends and supporters, the list of ECMS scholarship funds grows longer every year. Their impact is twofold: they provide a critical source of support for our students, while also recognizing the lives and musical contributions of those they honor. We are grateful to our alumni and friends who support our efforts.  If you are interested in supporting the work of ECMS, please give here.