Young Eastman Strings
Young Eastman Strings (YES) is a comprehensive, educational program for all students, who are in 6th grade or younger, studying a bowed string instrument. The YES program offers a learning path for any level of proficiency, which includes group string classes, individual lessons, ensembles and progressive classes in fundamental musical skills. At the completion of sixth grade, students may receive a certificate, recognizing their level of commitment to learning.

Getting Started!
The YES program offers Bridges: String Starters, an exploratory course in nine-week sessions for students in Kindergarten to 1st grade with an accompanying adult. The class introduces children to the violin and viola, “shoulder instruments”, and the cello, which is played seated. Students learn basic motions, using simple, box instruments they build themselves. Games and songs introduce the pitches of open strings and rhythmic motions of string playing. Weekly homework helps students and families start to incorporate regular practicing into daily life at home. Parents may discuss their child’s progress and interest for continued study with the instructor. The sessions culminate in the final week with an open “informance”, showing what the class has learned.
When a student is ready for lessons, parents may register at any time in the school year. The ECMS Associate Dean will assign a teacher, if parents do not have a preference. The teacher will contact parents to answer questions and set a time/day for regular lessons.
Teachers can also help with:
- obtaining an instrument
- advising on classes and ensembles to accompany lessons
- policies and events for their individual studio
Individual Lessons
Individual lessons are the centerpiece of our program, offered for study of the violin, viola, cello and bass. Our faculty are experienced, professional performers and educators.
The duration of lessons can vary, based on faculty recommendation. Students usually start with 30 min lessons, which are extended as they progress to 45 and 60 minutes. At home, students are expected to practice their instrument daily. For younger children, it is recommended that an adult attend lessons and supervise practicing.
Lessons build a solid foundation of skills, and help move students toward a goal of performing at least twice annually. Progress is celebrated each spring, when students perform selected studies and pieces in short evaluations, called exams.

The YES program offers group learning at various levels of mastery in a fun and supportive environment. Placement is determined by faculty recommendation. Students, who have never played in an ECMS ensemble may be asked to play a short placement evaluation for faculty in late spring or early fall.
Students are encouraged to join group violin or group cello classes for a social, small group experience that develops fundamental and collaborative skills while playing together. Group classes perform in biannual YES recitals.
For intermediate level students, who are can read music independently and play with a steady beat, the YES program offers mixed ensembles of two levels. Tutti is for advanced beginner to intermediate players, and Camerata is for intermediate to more advanced students. Mixed ensemble skills include following a conductor and listening carefully to the unity and pitch of the group. The Tutti ensemble performs in YES recitals. Both Tutti and Camerata perform in large ensemble concerts.
Intermediate and advanced students may also be eligible to perform in a chamber music group of 3-5 players. These groups are coached by faculty and perform independently. Students also learn ways to work as a team and collaborate effectively.
The YES educational path includes classes, which help students learn or improve fundamental skills, including singing pitches, reading music, and expressing rhythmic motions. Depending on age and proficiency, students may choose from a variety of options, including Early Childhood, Introductory Piano, Theory in Motion, Young Children’s Chorus and Children’s Chorus.

Students may perform in dedicated YES recitals during the school’s Winter (Dec.) and Spring (May) festivals. These are fun events that enable students to connect with and support one another, celebrating their hard work and achievement through music-making and a post-concert party!
Students may also perform in their teacher’s studio recital and/or masterclasses, which are performance workshops. ECMS also offers regular recital opportunities, available nearly every week throughout the year in Kilbourn, Hatch and Howard Hanson Halls. Accompanying services for these recitals are included in the tuition, and are provided through the ECMS office.

Certificates of Achievement
Each year, sixth graders “graduate” from the YES program, and we celebrate their achievement at the spring YES recital. Students who have taken 2 years or more of private lessons may receive a Certificate of Achievement in one of the levels below for their dedication!
Fortissimo Certificate
3+ years individual lessons • 2+ years ensembles • 2+ years classes
Forte Certificate
2+ years individual lessons • 2+ years ensembles
Mezzo Forte Certificate
2+ years individual lessons • 1+ year ensemble
Pianissimo Certificate
2+ years individual lessons
For YES Graduates: Keep Learning and Performing!
Sixth-grade graduation from the YES program is both an achievement and an open door to the next step in musical education. ECMS offers a wide range of course options to match a student’s individual interests as they grow. Students in grades 7-12 may also consider enrollment in the Diploma Program, which includes requirements for continued private study, ensembles and a variety of classes. We are happy to help students prepare for college and a bright future!