Jazz Flute Curriculum

Level 1

Musical/Tonal Skills

Sound production on the head joint

  • Formation of embouchure/aperture and placement of flute on lips
  • Learning to breathe correctly

Correct assembly and cleaning of the flute
Introduction of music notation with corresponding fingerings
Understanding key signatures and their relationship to major scales
Introduction of long tones
Understanding time signatures and basic note values

  • Begin to verbalize rhythmic patterns

Technical Skills

Good hand position as well as good posture when standing or sitting
Introduction of basic articulation (single tonguing, slurring, staccato, accent)
Range: D1 to D3 (to G3 if able)
Scales, thirds and arpeggios in the major keys of C, F, G, Bb, D, Eb, A, one octave, memorized
Chromatic Scale C2-C3
Consistent fingering of D2 and Eb2 with no left hand first finger
Use right hand pinky consistently on all notes but D1 and 2
Use of Thumb Bb

Ensemble Skills

Introduce concept:  Be able to count independently and stay with a conductor

Suggested Methods

Anzalone –Breeze-Easy Method Books 1
Patricia George- Flute 101
Rubank – Elementary Method
Wye – A Beginners’ Book for the Flute, Part One
May Introduce:  Marcel Moyse- De la Sonorite

Sample Solos

Billingsley- Morning Mist
Burgstahler – Flutella
Hahn-Night Winds
Lewallen –Petite Poem
Mendelssohn – On the Wings of Song
L. Moyse – Forty Little Pieces

Level 2

Musical/Tonal Skills

Continued attention to the mechanics of tone production
Continued close attention to good body, hand (curved fingers) and head position
Learning to hear and produce a focused tone

  • Understanding the aperture and the angle of the air stream and its relation to producing a clear and projecting tone
  • Understanding related diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing and breath control

Introduction of harmonics and their role in playing high register notes
Introduce the concept of pitch and musical shaping through crescendo/diminuendo

Technical Skills

Begin removing corks from open hole flute as student’s hand position allows
Range: C1 to Bb3
Scales, thirds and arpeggios in major keys up to 4 flats/sharps

  • 2 octaves in quarters notes
  • Memorized

May introduce minor scales
Chromatic scale
Use of the thumb Bb (continue)
Intonation of C#2
May introduce double tonguing (and triple tonguing)

Methods and Etudes

Anzalone –Breeze-Easy Method Books 2
Garibaldi – 32 Instructive Studies for Flute
Rubank – Intermediate and Advanced Volume 1
George- Continue Flute 101; Flute 102
Kohler- Etudes, Op. 15
Wye – A Beginners’ Book for the Flute, Part Two

Sample Solos

Burgstahler – Spinning Wheel
Gossec – Gavotte
Handel – Sonata in g minor
Masson – March of the Buffoons
L. Moyse – 40 Little Pieces
Mozart/Steensland- The Magic Flute
Pessard- Andalouse

Musical/Tonal Skills

Continued attention to the mechanics of tone production
Continued close attention to good body, hand (curved fingers) and head position
Learning to hear and produce a focused tone

  • Understanding the aperture and the angle of the air stream and its relation to producing a clear and projecting tone
  • Understanding related diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing and breath control

Introduction of harmonics and their role in playing high register notes
Introduce the concept of pitch and musical shaping through crescendo/diminuendo

Technical Skills

Begin removing corks from open hole flute as student’s hand position allows
Range: C1 to Bb3
Scales, thirds and arpeggios in major keys up to 4 flats/sharps

  • 2 octaves in quarters notes
  • Memorized

May introduce minor scales
Chromatic scale
Use of the thumb Bb (continue)
Intonation of C#2
May introduce double tonguing (and triple tonguing)

Methods and Etudes

Anzalone –Breeze-Easy Method Books 2
Garibaldi – 32 Instructive Studies for Flute
Rubank – Intermediate and Advanced Volume 1
George- Continue Flute 101; Flute 102
Kohler- Etudes, Op. 15
Wye – A Beginners’ Book for the Flute, Part Two

Sample Solos

Burgstahler – Spinning Wheel
Gossec – Gavotte
Handel – Sonata in g minor
Masson – March of the Buffoons
L. Moyse – 40 Little Pieces
Mozart/Steensland- The Magic Flute
Pessard- Andalouse

Level 3

Musical/Tonal Skills

Begin setting performance goals (ECMS recitals, NYSSMA solo festivals)
Discuss good practice habits and performance mindset; address healthy ways to approach nerves and stress
Sight reading practice

Suggest joining an ECMS Flute Choir or other community ensemble
Focused work on tone production using T. Wye: Tone and Moyse: De la Sonorite (each level)
Concentration on building smooth, even finger technique
Understanding simple phrase structure

  • Use breathing that clearly communicates the phrase
  • Use articulation that helps shape a phrase

Introduction of vibrato (measured)
Harmonics, whistle or whisper tones

Technical Skills

Range: 1C to B3 (C4 if able)

  • Facility with foot joint notes

Scales, thirds and arpeggios in major keys up to 5 flats/sharps

  • 2 octaves in quarters notes, eighth notes as able
  • Memorized
  • Played with varied articulation groupings

Begin memorization of minor scales
Chromatic scale
Double tonguing and triple tonguing

Methods and Etudes

Cavally – Melodious and Progressive Studies, Bk 1
Moyse- 24 Little Melodic Studies
Reichart – Seven Daily Exercises
Rubank – Advanced Method Vol. 2
Taffanel/Gaubert- 17 Daily Exercises
Wye – Practice Book for Flute, Tone, Volume 1
Zachert – Melodic Studies

Sample Solos

Gaubert, Madrigal
Godard-Allegretto and Idylle
Handel – Sonatas in F Major and G Major
Telemann – Sonata in F Major
Continuation of Voxman – Concert and Contest Pieces Ex: Anderson, Scherzino,
Gluck, Menuet and Spirit Dance; Bach, Polonaise or Cavally – 24 Short Concert Pieces

Level 4

Musical Skills

Develop good practice habits
Knowledge and application of musical terms
Continue vibrato work
Develop tone through use of crescendo, diminuendo
Tone bending and intonation work


Memorization of all major scales, thirds and arpeggios, 2-3 octaves
Memorization of minor scales, 2 octaves
Chromatic scale, 3 octaves
Facility in using various articulations
Develop speed and evenness of double tonguing; triple tonguing
Develop facile finger technique

Etudes and Tone

Continue previous studies.
Berbiguier- 18 Studies for Flute
Taffanel et Gaubert – 17 Daily Exercises
W. Kujala – Vade Mecum
Maquarre – Daily Exercises
Cavally – Melodious and Progressive Studies, complete Book 1; Book 2
Hugues – 40 Studies

Sample Solos

Bach – Sonatas in Eb Major and g minor
Debussy – Syrinx
Faure, Morceau de Concours
Selected sonatas by Blavet, Handel, Quantz, Vivaldi
Molique – Andante in D Minor
Mozart – Andante C Major, Rondo in D Major
Quantz – Concerto in G Major

Level 5

Musical Skills

Focus on the development of critical faculties
Learn to diagnose musical and technical problems
Encourage the evolution within students of their own concepts of musical expression, style and tone (refining the interpretation of musical terms)
Maintenance of vibrato, developing different speeds as musically appropriate


Range development with greater facility, incorporating C#4, D4
Maintenance of scales and arpeggios played the entire range of the flute
Maintenance of facility with articulation groupings
Multiphonics and “singing and playing”

Etudes and Tone

Continuation of previous daily exercises.
M. Moyse – Exercises Journaliers
M. Moyse – De La Sonorite
Anderson- 24 Studies Op. 33
Berbiguier – 18 Studies

Sample Solos

CPE Bach, Sonata in a minor
Bach –, E Major, C Major
Boccherini – Concerto in D Major
L. Moyse- Flute Music by French Composers
Morlacchi/Wilkins– Swiss Shepherd
Muczynski – Three Preludes
Telemann – Suite in A Minor
Honegger- Danse de la Chevre
Hoover – Kokopeli

Level 6

Preparation for potential conservatory education

Preparation of a compelling college audition (if applicable), including four contrasting works including a major concerto, sonata, French Paris Conservatory Piece and contemporary work

Familiarity with the piccolo

If ECMS diploma student: Prepare for Honors Jury to be played in January of senior year.

Musical Skills

Development of musical style and artistry
Demonstrate the highest musical potential, pushing boundaries of technique and musical expression
Demonstrate facility in entire range of instrument with greater ease

Technical Skills

Continue all scales, major and minor, 3 octaves incorporating C#4, D4
All arpeggios – major, minor, diminished, augmented
Chromatic and whole tone scales including C#4, D4
Demonstrate facility with all articulation groupings including double and triple tonguing
Alternate fingerings for intonation and facility

Etudes and Studies

Mastery of Daily Exercises
Continuation of the previous studies
Gilbert – Sequences
Gilbert – Technical Facility
Altes – 26 Selected Studies
Anderson – 24 Studies, Op. 15
Karg-Elert – 30 Caprices, Op. 107
Baxtresser – Orchestral Excerpts for Flute

Sample Solos

Bach – Sonatas/Partitas in a, e, b minor
Doppler- Hungarian Fantasie
Dutilleux – Sonatine
Hue – Fantasie
Martinu – Sonata
L. Moyse – Music of French Composers
Mozart – Concertos in G and D Major
Poulenc- Sonate
Varied solo literature of all periods
NFA commissioned works for the high school competition, e.g.

  • Brown – Trillium
  • Dick – Lookout
  • Offermans – Honami
  • Colquhoun – Charanga

The student will be expected to exercise initiative in gaining orchestral and chamber music experience, both in school and in the community.

The student may wish to enter one or more of the following competitions:

  • Rochester Flute Association Recital or Master Class Competition
  • Penfield Symphony Concerto Competition
  • Hochstein Recital Competition
  • Geneseo Concerto Competition
  • Greer Young Artist Competition (Rochester Philharmonic League)
  • National Flute Association High School Flute Choir or Soloist Competitions

In addition, students may wish to attend various summer festivals and workshops for flute or piccolo performance.

Last updated: February 5, 2025


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